For some reason I cannot move my OK button to the right with the following code. I just want it to be centered like the label.
isc.Window.create({ ID: "cwUserMsgDialog", title: "Warning", keepInParentRect:true, showHeaderIcon: false, canDragResize:false, showModalMask:true, showMinimizeButton:false, width:400, height: 150, items:[ isc.VStack.create({ ID:"cwUserMsgLayout", width:300, align:"center", members:[ isc.Label.create({ ID:"cwWarningMsgString", wrap: true, align: "center", contents: "TEST", iconOrientation: "left", icon: "other/help.png" }), isc.Button.create({ ID:"cwWarningOkButton", left:200, title: "OK", click: function(){cwUserMsgDialog.closeClick();} }) ] }) ]})