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    Google Maps Places API: Autocomplete does not work

    I want to use Google Maps Places Autocomplete (like in this sample
    I integrated the Google Maps API by JSNI:

    public native void initMap(JavaScriptObject mapOptions, JavaScriptObject bounds, String mapId) /*-{

    var mapDiv = $doc.getElementById(mapId);
    if (mapDiv==null) {
    // alert("Div Tag " + mapId + " not found.");

    // create the map and fit it within the given bounds
    map = new $, mapOptions);
    if (bounds != null)

    var defaultBounds = new $
    new $, 11.0),
    new $, 12.0));

    var addressInput = $doc.getElementsByName("address")[0];

    if ( addressInput == null )

    var options = {
    types: ['geocode']

    autocomplete = new $, options);

    autocomplete.bindTo('bounds', map);


    The map is displayed and the bind of the text field works. The placeholder text is displayed in the text field. But autocomplete does not work.

    First I used a textItem as address field. This didn't work. I think, the reason is, that this element has the attribute autocomplete="off". I don't find a way to remove this attribute, neither by JavaScript nor by setting the attribute to native or smart (
    Then I added an input field to the HTMLFloat, that contains the map:

    HTMLFlow mapHTMLFlow = new HTMLFlow ();
    mapHTMLFlow.setContents("<input name=\"address\" type=\"text\" size=\"50\" /><div id=\"locationMap\" style=\"height:150\"></div>");

    But SmartGWT added again the attribute autocomplete=off to the input field.

    The last I tried, was to use a ComboBoxItem. In the ComboBoxItem the usual autocomplete of the browser was displayed but not Google Maps Places Autocomplete.

    In Firebug I can see that the API calls for autocomplete are done and that the browser receives autocomplete data:

    _xdc_._5hrwsj && _xdc_._5hrwsj( [0,[["Salvatorplatz, München, Deutschland",null,["route","geocode"],"CmRSAAAAGsxXqA1vaIX9YgyzqTYzkulMZxUULIaxongg_2oo9Lm4jBfwxb9xltimWTexNH9n2YT1R54p-zyd-ec4ZdmZOcUY8qV9P7egBKrcHvvUsDE_UL96A-g52YhAZHsbwOiXEhAWjXxZERGrpU76IXTi0At6GhTfQt2Z7F8hLfQq5W996GILlhQodA","a18e186f5a624672bb138110ab3e1dcb8bbb5369",[["Salvatorplatz",0],["München",15],["Deutschland",24]],[[0,3]]],["Salvatorstraße, München, Deutschland",null,["route","geocode"],"CmRUAAAA6dO11aXWyxX-e0kDRnccJcv0SUKI5w4lBNY11jJfJyGX6M4BLs26MUdl9vWAkDNdz8LEy9rQRBxZCJbtTsS0X4d0ormdcgMp1LIOViRYAXuMvfUHbfWeNYKNGJFn1R32EhC9or5CUqfiW65STiOwVVp_GhRiIMBVjoYFTJedtYbQKnrPMxGzaA","c0b52043467778b991ca544f4f35225a68963f60",[["Salvatorstraße",0],["München",16],["Deutschland",25]],[[0,3]]],["Salzburg, Österreich",null,["locality","political","geocode"],"CmRXAAAAvU-XUmCWR6cGpqkWtw3vMXO7OkOWXsDieeN8WuYS53qPG5kHZKO6or36Ltm_zrLjagSuqPKckKFTvpp2W3Z0VAGfXiJ_8_Im_0ygdLs4KnKxHtJ_grAVlarOCp-p_zikEhAautoxkZ6zajm33VbKo5V1GhRw3Kh86PSaG3Sv-jgSZiqv1ctokQ","e029f774120bae38bfae801f445495c799de1980",[["Salzburg",0],["Österreich",10]],[[0,3]]],["Salomon-Idler-Straße, Augsburg, Deutschland",null,["route","geocode"],"CnRuAAAArakdx8bGrOJO4YZ305AUX34bJCh3sI2kpbFnLr4rKVOGsnbycaB3hE9jqgRpKlFrbgXvezKlKfKze5kB7WK5xMB1upQ4QLh0NUHpYC2ecc4V3yxS7QYDOhVO6ISvOGoG-9XK8T7qlNwonPMoSOGV0hIQ-CzLg-vk9ZbI02tcYJQeYxoUiQWR-BOOaevgElnRjBNhZV7QFLw","717748d5b1d24e1c3761e10021d28ec7e5bcbb2c",[["Salomon-Idler-Straße",0],["Augsburg",22],["Deutschland",32]],[[0,3]]],["Salmdorf, Haar, Deutschland",null,["sublocality","political","geocode"],"CmRdAAAAN2pklpAwavGo-XSGCMH5Xp8W8hLPbxjzsUkra8lo4Z49mOt6RCw2Ky0LNykSY1-GONf9Om3SYTPf3zhvsvlWTbFLuP_Lxitzy6LchUwjq1uu9Plhn_Bs9FbrH6zwQgDWEhAwCe6_H2CCgcFj71ixsd-AGhQqeg-VHyLfMMKxDQKeCHxEZpeu7A","5cbfe36ec8958091ef31177bb102c1e59146b2c4",[["Salmdorf",0],["Haar",10],["Deutschland",16]],[[0,3]]]]] )

    Has anybody experience on integrating Google Places Autocomplete? Is there a way to prevent that SmartGWT modifies the content of the HTMLFlow? Is there a way to make the field display the autocomplete content?


    I've found the error.

    Google Maps creates a div tag with class "pac-container" containing the autocomplete items. This container has a z-index of 1000. This value is to small. So they are not visible. Now I update this z-index with a bigger value after creation of the container and the autocomplete items are visible.


      Hi claudiamuc,

      I just got the idea of a SmartGWT user group meeting in München. A search for München and Munich came back with this (old) thread. Guessing from your user name you live in Munich as well. If you are interested in an SmartGWT (or perhaps GWT) user group meeting (and even if not) feel free to contact me at

      Best regards,

