I have a custom upload field item which contains an "upload" button at the bottom. When I set the disabled property to false initially, all the fields in by cwuploaditem is disabled. But if I disable it using disable(), all fields except for the Upload button are disabled. I expect everything to be disabled/enabled whether I call the function or set the property.
isc.screenReader = true; isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("CwUploadItem", "CanvasItem"); isc.CwUploadItem.addProperties({ init:function () { var formFields = [ { name: this.cwtitle, type: "UploadItem", colSpan: 2, width: 250, showFocused: false, textBoxStyle: "formCell"} ]; if (this.cwShowButton) { formFields[1] = { _constructor: "SpacerItem", colSpan: 3 }; formFields[2] = { _constructor: "SpacerItem", colSpan: 1, startRow: true }; formFields[3] = { _constructor: "SpacerItem", colSpan: 1, width: 30}; formFields[4] = { title: this.buttonLabel, click: this.customClick, type: "button", width: 100, startRow: false, buttonConstructor: isc.Button }; } this.canvas = isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: this.upID+"$cwUpload", upID: this.upID, target : "upload_frame", encoding : "multipart", numCols: 3, width: 200, height: this.height, colWidths: [1,1,200], fields : formFields }); return this.Super("init", arguments); } }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ID:"testUpload",fields:[{_constructor: "CwUploadItem", ID:"testUploadField", title: "testUpload", buttonLabel:"upload", cwShowButton:true, disabled:true}]}); isc.Button.create({top:200, title: "enable/disable upload", click: function(){ if(testUploadField.isDisabled()){ testUploadField.enable(); }else{ testUploadField.disable(); } }});