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    8.2 POST XML changes

    Hi, we are using RestDataSource, and we noticed that you removed a tag from the post add/update XML:

    Taken from the 8.1 reference manual:
                    <countryName>Edited Value</countryName>
                    <capital>Edited Value</capital>
                    <continent>Edited Value</continent>
    Taken from the 8.2 reference manual:
                <countryName>Edited Value</countryName>
                <capital>Edited Value</capital>
                <continent>Edited Value</continent>
    As you see, the countryDS tag is missing. Is there a way to switch back to the old XML format, or do we have to update all our backend procedures?

    There were a couple of under-specified details on how messages were sent, especially around AdvancedCriteria, and in 8.2 we cleaned all that up and documented the formats comprehensively.

    If you want the old format you could introduce an extra layer of nesting in your data (in this case, put the entire data under a property "countryDS"). But we'd recommend just switching your server code to handle the new format. Hopefully this is in one place :)


      Thanks for your reply. For future updates it would be nice if you could write a few words in the changelog about changes that might cause a considerable amount of work for larger applications. It's good to know things like this in advance.

