After upgrading from 8.0 to 8.2 all of my data bound grids are submitting duplicate fetch request on creation if at least one column is defined as frozen. The data from the 2nd request are getting appended to the grid so all the results are shown twice.
Removing "frozen:true," fixes the problem.
This is reproducible on all major browsers (FF8, IE7, Chrome 15) with SmartClient eval 8.2.
- Gene
function showTable(resTypeID, p1){; } function tablesReq(dsRequest, resTypeID){ var chart = new Object(); chart.resTypeID = resTypeID; if(resTypeID==4) chart.day_method = 12; return chart; } isc.RestDataSource.create({ ID : "dayDS", dataFormat : "xml", recordXPath : "//data/mdays", transformRequest : function(dsRequest){ return tablesReq(dsRequest, 4); }, fields:[ {name:"day",primaryKey:true}, {name:"start"}, {name:"end"}, {name:"isCurr"} ], dataURL:"serverResponse.jsp" }); isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "dayDB", dataSource: "dayDS", width:"100%", height:525, headerHeight:40, showAllRecords:true, autoDraw:false, autoFetchData:true, fields:[ {name:"day", frozen:true, title:"Day", width:50}, {name:"start", title:"Start", width:120}, {name:"end", title:"End", width:120} ] }); isc.HLayout.create({ ID : "dLayout", members: [ isc.Button.create({title:"DONE", click:"daysW.hide()"}) ] }); isc.Window.create({ ID: "daysW", title: "Days window", autoCenter:true, autoDraw:false, width:"320", height:"585", items:[dayDB, dLayout] }); Menu.create({ ID: "dtlMenu", autoDraw:false, cellHeight:18, menuButtonWidth:60, data:[ {title : "Days", click : "showTable(4,'0')"} ] }); Menubar.create({ ID: "menuBar", top:25, menus:[dtlMenu] });
Removing "frozen:true," fixes the problem.
This is reproducible on all major browsers (FF8, IE7, Chrome 15) with SmartClient eval 8.2.
- Gene