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    filterEditor criteria being cleared

    I have a ListGrid set up as follows:

    var mygrid = isc.ListGrid.create({
                 dataSource: "clinicalTrial",
                 showFilterEditor: true,
    				autoFetchDisplayMap: false,
    				dataProperties: {useClientFiltering: false},
    		    	fields: [{name: "name", width: 100},
    		    	         {name: "title", width: "*"},
    		    	         {name: "sponsor", width: 150,
    		    	        	filterEditorProperties: {
    								optionDataSource: "InstitutionDS",
    								optionFilterContext: {sortBy: "name", textMatchStyle: "startsWith"},
    								valueField: "id",
    								displayField: "name"
    		    	         {name: "intervention", width: 100,
    		    	        	 filterEditorProperties: {
    			    	        	 optionDataSource: "DrugDS",
    			    	        	 optionFilterContext: {sortBy: "name", textMatchStyle: "startsWith"},
    			    	        	 valueField: "id",
    								 displayField: "name"
    		    	         {name: "disease", width: 100,
    		    	        	 filterEditorProperties: {
    								optionDataSource: "DiseaseConditionDS",
    								optionFilterContext: {sortBy: "name", textMatchStyle: "startsWith"},
    								valueField: "id",
    								displayField: "name"
    		    	         {name: "state", width: 100, valueMap: CTP.stateList},
    		    	         {name: "URL", width: 150}
    The relevant fields of the datasource for this grid defined as follows:
    <field name="id" title="id" type="text"  length="36"  hidden="true" primaryKey="true" />    
            <field name="title" title="title" type="text" length="1024"  required="true" />
            <field name="name" title="NCT ID" type="text" length="32"  required="true" />
     <field name="URL" title="URL" type="link"  length="512" />
    The fields using optionDataSources (sponsor, intervention, disease) are not included in the 'clinicalTrial', datasource. The 'state' field is also not part of the 'clinicalTrial' datasource. When filtering data, these four fields work fine as well as title, and URL. The problem is with the 'name' field. Whenever I type in a value into the filter editor and attemp to filter, the value I type in is cleared out and never sent to the server. As you can see the name field is set up identically to 'title'. I do not use any ListGrid methods for setting or clearing the ListGrid criteria manually.

    Are there any know problems when mxing ListGrid fields that are not part of the grids datasource that also happen to use optionaDataSources?
