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    Row gets removed when getting focus (8.1), upgrade from 8.1 --> 8.2 or wait for 8.3

    I noticed a bug (*, see below for more description) which is present in the latest nightly of 8.1 but has been solved in the latest nightly of 8.2.

    A few questions from my side (if you agree that this bug exists ofcourse):
    1) can/will this be solved in 8.1? Is there an obvious work around I can use maybe?
    2) are there performance improvements to be expected going from 8.1 to 8.2
    3) when will 8.3 be released? (does it make sense to wait for it)?


    gr. Martin

    See the attached file, to reproduce the issue:
    1) open the html page
    2) click on a row to edit the row
    3) change any value, press enter to close the editor
    4) then with arrow down move to the next row
    5) the next row gets removed/deleted.

    gr. martin
    Attached Files

    Hi gr. Martin,

    1) There is an easy workaround for this but its undocumented. Set "keyboardClickField" to 1 on your grid and the issue will stop occurring. However this is a pretty ugly little bug so we'll try to port a fix to 8.1. We'll update this thread to let you know when this gets in.

    2) There are some performance improvements going from 8.1 to 8.2 in some specific areas (for example some improvements in performance for local filtering of large grids, some skinning changes that improve performance for an application as a whole by simplifying DOM structures etc). There are also a number of new features and some bug-fixes relative to 8.1. Check out the release notes (available in an eval package) for details.

    3) We don't yet have an ETA for 8.3.

    Update: We've made a change to 8.1 to resolve the issue there - should be present in the next 8.1p build
    Last edited by Isomorphic; 13 Jan 2012, 11:21.


      Hi! Thanks for the extensive answer! I will try the workaround for now and wait for 8.1, or try an upgrade to 8.2 later.

      gr. Martin

