I'm trying to incorporate these locale files into our product and I can't seem to get it to work. I've added the script block to fetch it as instructed in the documentaton, and I see the browser requesting for the proper file for when I change the language setting in the browser but where is the hook for the UI to know to actually use this file for translation?
The SmartClient framework provides language pack files that can be plugged in at run time to set all of the framework standard messages to a particular locale. These locale files are located in 'webroot/isomorphic/locales'. Simply include the desired locale in a Script block, for example: <SCRIPT SRC="isomorphic/locales/frameworkMessages_pt.properties" /> to load the Portuguese locale. To see various locales, have a look at the Localization example. To create a new locale, modify the i18nMessages structure in an existing locale file.