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    Getting listgrid from data source

    I have a transformResponse override in which I update IE's status bar message to reflect the number of rows fetched. This generally works if I only have one listgrid on the screen but if I have a dialog with another listgrid and fetch is happening for both listgrids, I want to make sure that the message displayed is with regards to the listgrid in the dialog and not the listgrid in the background. I'd like to figure this out within transformResponse but I only have dsRequest,dsResponse and the dataSource - Is there a function I can call to determine which listgrid this dataSource belongs to?

    DataSources do not belong to a ListGrid, they belong to several components, so no. If you want to do this you'll need to write your own logic.

    Note also it's increasingly less valuable to put anything in the status bar these days as several mainstream browsers have dropped it entirely.


      I know - but our last product had it therefore our existing customers still ask for it. I managed to find a workaround. Thanks.

