We are facing issues with selecting Nov6 and Nov7. If selected date crosses Daylight Saving Time boundary, hour is offset.
2011's Daylight Saving ends Nov 6. When selecting 2011/11/07 (when system date is within the same daylight saving configuration like 2012/11/06), the default hour is 00:00
However, when selecting 2011/11/06 (still in daylight saving time), the default hour is 01:00 (one hour ahead). Is this intended behaviour or is this a bug?
2011's Daylight Saving ends Nov 6. When selecting 2011/11/07 (when system date is within the same daylight saving configuration like 2012/11/06), the default hour is 00:00
However, when selecting 2011/11/06 (still in daylight saving time), the default hour is 01:00 (one hour ahead). Is this intended behaviour or is this a bug?
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "dateForm", numCols: 2, width: 600, fields: [ {width: 400, name:"directInputDate", title:"Direct Input Date", _constructor: "DateItem", useTextField:true, change:"dateLabel.setContents(value)", dateFormatter: "toString" } ] }); isc.Time.adjustForDST=false; isc.Label.create({ ID: "dateLabel", top: 40, left: 100, width: 400 });