I am using an instance of a swf that cotains iLog charts. I can successfully inject the Flex application (swf) into my SmartGWT application using Flashlet. However, I am having trouble figuring out how to make JSNI calls to access the movie via external interface.
The call most definitely makes it to the javascript, but I am not sure how to gain a reference to the Flash movie itself. I tried using the Element object obtained from a call to getPluginHandle(); but I don't know exactly how drill into it to get the swf reference.
Any advice?
//.... Flashlet flash; flash = new Flashlet(); flash.setSrc("ActivityScheduleChart.swf"); flash.setSize("100%", "100%"); flash.setName("ActivitySwf"); addItem(flash); ... //jsni test native void testFlash(String sayWhat) /*-{ $wnd.testFlash(sayWhat); // }-*/;
Any advice?