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    I do not know much of java, javascript yet, but I am quite surprised that something simple like "DECIMAL POINT IS COMMA" seem not be catered for in Smartclient. In my Cobol development years (more than 30 years ago) the display / UI representation was separated by the internal notation by a simple declaration like: "Decimal point is comma..."

    Please tell me there has been more progress, than having to write lines of code to deal with this....

    regards, Ron


      @gravityshock: if you like, override DynamicForm.getEditorType() instead and choose StaticTextItem unconditionally when canEdit is false. But a search and replace to correct even thousands of screens should really only take an hour or two.

      @agileron: built-in support for this is planned, but the idea is to deliver not just decimal point as comma but full i18n for number formatting. Don't know if you're aware how intricate that is, as there are some locales where correct formatting of large numbers includes irregular grouping (eg 2 digits comma then 3 digits comma).


        Intricate: I've seen systems which offer display formats, for dates and numbers, which the user can define like:,xx or time("dd Mon yy",<value>). Or (zzz)-(y)xx-xxxxxx for telephone numbers f.i. This way the display is arranged by a mask at the display level. Do not know whether such an approach is difficult.

        But it seems vital, if you want to have you package being used around the globe..regards, Ron


          @AgileRon: SmartClient is already used around the globe. With any two systems some things are harder and some easier, and we have many customers who've taken the time to eg, write an i18n number formatter as shown in this thread, because SmartClient saved them massively more time in other areas.

          That said, if this seems particularly onerous to you and since you appear to be starting from scratch, you should consider SmartGWT. In this case you can use Java's built-in number and date formatters.


            Thanks. I'll take that one also in my evaluation...together with version 7.. Don't get me wrong I like what I have seen so far from Smartclient...But I will continue to question anything I will come across. For the benefit of me and hopefully yours also. A question not asked of something not challenged, is basically giving up..

            Something else: Great response via this forum. Haven't seen that promptness of response much with the IDE's I've been evaluating recently, except maybe Alpha's some time ago already..regards, Ron

