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    Added columns size too small initially when hscrolling

    Hi there,

    We are seeing an issue where a user is manually increasing the size of several columns and creating a horizontal scrollbar. Then, when they try to make another column visible, the column gets displayed with a very small width so the user can't see it.

    In your Feature Explorer here:, I can recreate the issue.

    1. Open page and hide the Country column
    2. Increase the size of the Flag column until just before the Continent column scrolls off the viewport. But, leave enough of the Continent column showing for Step 3.
    3. Increase the size of the Capital column until the Continent column is just barely still visible.
    4. Show the Country column and it will display but you can barely see it.

    After some investigation on some of our grids, this only seems to happen when the horizontal scrollbar is present. Is there any way to have the country column display large enough that the user can see it there? The grid is already scrolling horizontally so why not display the column at the same width as when you hid it and simply expand the horizontal scroll?

    Hi there, I've realized I could've done a better job explaining how significant this column sizing issue is. Please try these steps to recreate and I look forward to hearing your feedback since this is impacting our users:

    1. Go to this URL:
    2. Hide the country column
    3. Expand the Flag column so it takes up the entire grid width
    4. Scroll over and expand capital column so it also takes up the grid width. The grid should have significant horizontal scroll at this point.
    5. Now, try to show the country column.

    Now those steps have dramatized the problem. In our application with many fields, you don't have to expand the columns so large. But, follow the steps above and you cannot see the country column at all at this point. It only seems to happen when horizontal scrolling has already occurred.

    We need to be able to at least see the column there and it isn't visible. The user has to hover in just the right spot to expand the column that still looks like it is hidden but the context menu is showing it is not hidden. Can this be changed so that the Country Column is wide enough that it is at least visible in this scenario?


      Hi Senordhuff,

      You can get around this by either setting a width on every field or setting overflow:"visible" on fields to cause autoFit to the title. We'll add some kind of min-width feature to make this more convenient in the future.



        we have a similar problem with ListGrids and so a minWidth-feature for ListGridFields would be marvellous.

        Will such a feature be a part of any further version and if so do you have any time concept for releasing this feature?

