1) Does SmartGWT have the ability to have a radiobutton in a listgrid? I think the answer is no, as I could only see radiobutton as a formitem.
2) Since I think "no" is answer to #1 above, I tried to fake it by creating 2 boolean/checkbox columns in a listgrid. Then, I tried to get it so that if a user selected one column, it would unselect the other (ie just like a radiobutton). I tried to do this by using both the recordclickhandler and the "onchanged" handler. Neither worked fine. Here were the problems:
<b>Attempt #1: Using recordclickhandler:</b>
Code is below. But the problem is that the recordclickhandler would only work the FIRST time I clicked on the the checkbox. For the 2nd time, it wouldn't fire the recordclickhandler UNLESS I, as the user, selected a different record first and then re-select the original record.
<b>Attempt #2: Using On Changed Handler</b>
Code is below. This worked better than attemp #1 above, in that I could select/deselect a row as many times as I wanted *without* having to select another row first. However, if this was my 2nd click on a checkbox, it would NOT reflect the change that I made to other attributes of the row *until* I selected something else (eg a label in the window etc.). So my question here is there a "right" way to force the row to "refresh" and reflect the changes made to the record if this is the 2nd click of the checkbox?
In general, I think there is something subtle about the "clicking of a checkbox" that causes odd behaviour if you try to click on it a 2nd time in a row.
FYI: In case it helps, here's the details on the grid.(Note: This listgrid is NOT connected to any datasource or, for that matter, to any underyling RDBMS; instead, it's manually populated using the setData() method.
lgFilesWithConflict = new ListGrid();
// lgFilesWithConflict.setAutoSaveEdits(true);
// lgFilesWithConflict.setCanEdit(true);
Miscellaneous Infrastucture Details:
OS: Windows XP Pro
IDE: MyEclipse 10.0 with Google Plugin for Eclipse (2.5)
SmartGWT Pro 3.0 (Purchased Licence)
Browser: Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1
GWT SDK: 2.4.0
Sun JDK 1.6.0_27
2) Since I think "no" is answer to #1 above, I tried to fake it by creating 2 boolean/checkbox columns in a listgrid. Then, I tried to get it so that if a user selected one column, it would unselect the other (ie just like a radiobutton). I tried to do this by using both the recordclickhandler and the "onchanged" handler. Neither worked fine. Here were the problems:
<b>Attempt #1: Using recordclickhandler:</b>
Code is below. But the problem is that the recordclickhandler would only work the FIRST time I clicked on the the checkbox. For the 2nd time, it wouldn't fire the recordclickhandler UNLESS I, as the user, selected a different record first and then re-select the original record.
lgfSkip.addRecordClickHandler(new RecordClickHandler() { @Override public void onRecordClick(RecordClickEvent event) { Record rc = event.getRecord(); Boolean skip = rc.getAttributeAsBoolean("skip"); String anIAFileID = rc.getAttributeAsString("anIAFileID"); FileToCopyMove fileToCopyMove = getFilesToCopyMove(anIAFileID); if (skip) { //rc.setAttribute("skip",false); fileToCopyMove.setConflict_res_action(CONFLICT_RES_ACTION.SKIP); rc.setAttribute("override",true); } else { //rc.setAttribute("skip",true); fileToCopyMove.setConflict_res_action(CONFLICT_RES_ACTION.OVERRIDE); rc.setAttribute("override",false); } } });
<b>Attempt #2: Using On Changed Handler</b>
Code is below. This worked better than attemp #1 above, in that I could select/deselect a row as many times as I wanted *without* having to select another row first. However, if this was my 2nd click on a checkbox, it would NOT reflect the change that I made to other attributes of the row *until* I selected something else (eg a label in the window etc.). So my question here is there a "right" way to force the row to "refresh" and reflect the changes made to the record if this is the 2nd click of the checkbox?
In general, I think there is something subtle about the "clicking of a checkbox" that causes odd behaviour if you try to click on it a 2nd time in a row.
lgfSkip.addChangedHandler(new ChangedHandler() { @Override public void onChanged(ChangedEvent event) { int recordNum=event.getRowNum(); Boolean skip = (Boolean) event.getValue(); ListGridRecord rc = lgFilesWithConflict.getRecord(recordNum); rc.setAttribute("override",!skip); //lgfOverride. String anIAFileID = rc.getAttributeAsString("anIAFileID"); FileToCopyMove fileToCopyMove = getFilesToCopyMove(anIAFileID); if (skip) { fileToCopyMove.setConflict_res_action(CONFLICT_RES_ACTION.SKIP); } else { fileToCopyMove.setConflict_res_action(CONFLICT_RES_ACTION.OVERRIDE); } // lgFilesWithConflict.deselectAllRecords(); // if (recordNum !=0) lgFilesWithConflict.selectRecord(recordNum-1); // else lgFilesWithConflict.selectRecord(recordNum+1); lgFilesWithConflict.saveAllEdits(); //lgFilesWithConflict.redraw(); //lgFilesWithConflict.refreshRow(recordNum); // lbInsr.setSelected(true); // lbInsr.select(); System.out.println("refetching!!!"); // lgFilesWithConflict.invalidateCache(); // lgFilesWithConflict.fetchData(); } });
lgFilesWithConflict = new ListGrid();
// lgFilesWithConflict.setAutoSaveEdits(true);
// lgFilesWithConflict.setCanEdit(true);
Miscellaneous Infrastucture Details:
OS: Windows XP Pro
IDE: MyEclipse 10.0 with Google Plugin for Eclipse (2.5)
SmartGWT Pro 3.0 (Purchased Licence)
Browser: Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1
GWT SDK: 2.4.0
Sun JDK 1.6.0_27