I have a furtherquestion about implementing scroll-based paging.
I have set my dataPageSize on my list grid to 50 like so:
And, in my Server Side controller, I have the following logic to get the start and end row from the request and pass it to my Database:
However, this simply returns 50 rows and never fetches successive pages to display in my grid. Is there something I'm missing either server side or client side to enable paging in my grid?
I have a furtherquestion about implementing scroll-based paging.
I have set my dataPageSize on my list grid to 50 like so:
dataPageSize: 50
// DataSource protocol: get requested row range int startRow = (int)dsRequest.getStartRow(); int endRow = (int)dsRequest.getEndRow(); bean.setFundAssetDTOList(this.fundAssetService.findFundAssetList(faDTO, startRow, endRow));