Just noticed that this vAlign property isn't working entirely how I want it to. If you run the sample test case below, I have "password2" which has vAlign set to top - note that it is never set - I always see vAlign set to "middle" using firebug. I do the same thing with my "testTitle" statictextitem and it works fine. As a reminder, vAlign was set to top so that when the validate button is clicked, the labels would stay at the top and not shift. Please let me know if I am doing something wrong or am missing something. Thanks
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "boundForm",numCols:3, dataSource: "users",colWidths: [100,200], useAllDataSourceFields: true, showInlineErrors:true,showErrorText:true,errorOrientation:"bottom",showErrorStyle:true,showErrorIcons:false,wrapItemTitles:true,titleAlign:"left", fields: [ {type:"header", defaultValue:"Registration Form"}, {name: "password"}, {name: "password2", title: "Password Again", type: "password", required: true, vAlign:"top", length: 20, validators: [{ type: "matchesField", otherField: "password", errorMessage: "Passwords do not match" }] }, {name: "testTitle", defaultValue:"Testme", type:"staticText",vAlign: "top", colSpan:1,showTitle:false,startRow:true}, {name: "date1",showTitle:false, type:"date",colSpan:1}, {name:"date2", showTitle:false,type:"date", colSpan:1}, {name: "acceptTerms", title: "I accept the terms of use.", type: "checkbox", required: true, width: "150"}, {name: "validateBtn", title: "Validate", type: "button", click: "form.validate()"} ], values : { firstName: "Bob", email: "bob@.com", password: "sekrit", password2: "fatfinger" } });