i use Smartgwt 3.0. Im working on a Tree that shows directory structure. As i know, which node is Folder and which is not i wanted to reduce the requests by setting setIsFolderProperty. This unfortunately doesnt work for me. I've also changed the property defaultIsFolder but also no change. This is how im using it:
Im sendig data from server in format: {"response":{"size":1,"data":[{"name":"tmp","path":"/tmp","dir":true}]}}
In the TreeGrid i can see the dir property but every node is displayed as a Folder.
Thanks in advance.
i use Smartgwt 3.0. Im working on a Tree that shows directory structure. As i know, which node is Folder and which is not i wanted to reduce the requests by setting setIsFolderProperty. This unfortunately doesnt work for me. I've also changed the property defaultIsFolder but also no change. This is how im using it:
private static class FilePickerWindow extends Window { private static final RestDataSource directoryDataSource; static { directoryDataSource = new RestDataSource(); directoryDataSource.setID("directoryBrowserDataSource"); directoryDataSource.setDropExtraFields(false); directoryDataSource.setDropUnknownCriteria(false); directoryDataSource.setDataProtocol(DSProtocol.GETPARAMS); directoryDataSource.setDataFormat(DSDataFormat.JSON); DataSourceField name = new DataSourceTextField("name"); DataSourceField parent = new DataSourceTextField("parent"); DataSourceField path = new DataSourceTextField("path"); DataSourceField directory = new DataSourceBooleanField("dir"); parent.setForeignKey("path"); path.setPrimaryKey(true); directoryDataSource.setFields(name, parent, path, directory); directoryDataSource.setDataURL(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "directoryBrowser"); } private String openingNodeId; private FilePickerWindow() { Tree tree = new Tree(); tree.setModelType(TreeModelType.CHILDREN); tree.setIdField("name"); tree.setNameProperty("name"); tree.setIsFolderProperty("dir"); tree.setDefaultIsFolder(false); final TreeGrid treeGrid = new TreeGrid(); treeGrid.setData(tree); treeGrid.setDataSource(directoryDataSource); treeGrid.setLoadDataOnDemand(true); treeGrid.setKeepParentsOnFilter(true); treeGrid.setFields(new TreeGridField("name"), new TreeGridField("path"), new TreeGridField("dir")); treeGrid.setAutoFetchData(true); addItem(treeGrid); setWidth(300); setHeight(400); setCanDragResize(true); } }
In the TreeGrid i can see the dir property but every node is displayed as a Folder.
Thanks in advance.