I am currently using a ComboBoxItem in order to allow the user to filter through a long dropdown list. Then we added the functionality "addUknownValues". My problem with this is before we had this logic, we would have a trigger on the combobox so that when the values change, it does a server call - this was on change using the picklist. Now it calls changed() when the user types into the combo-box - so I thought if I set changeOnKeypress to false that this would not happen - it doesnt - but now it also does not filter the current list when typing. How do I get around this? If it is possible?
isc.DynamicForm.create({ width: 500, numCols: 4, fields : [{ name: "bugStatus", title: "Bug Status", addUnknowValues:true, editorType: "comboBox", changed: function(){ isc.warn('changed called');this.Super('changed'); }, valueMap : { "new" : "New", "active" : "Active", "revisit" : "Revisit", "fixed" : "Fixed", "delivered" : "Delivered", "resolved" : "Resolved", "reopened" : "Reopened" } },{ name: "itemName", title: "Item Name", editorType: "comboBox", optionDataSource: "supplyItem", pickListWidth: 250 }] });