We have some charts that were working but are not working now with this version of SC. We have upgraded recently. I also tried using FacetChart for a new chart we need but get the same console error below except it can't find FacetChart. I put PluginBridges in front of Analytics as suggested in another post but that didn't help. I have no JavaScript errors or network loading errors in Firebug. The rest of the application is working fine and has been around for years. Below are the details.
INFO ISCInit - Isomorphic SmartClient Framework (8.2/Enterprise Development Only 2011-12-05) - Initialization Complete
Using Firefox 11
<isomorphic:loadISC includeModules="PluginBridges, Analytics, History, RichTextEditor" skin="Enterprise"/>
In the fileAssembly.xml
<component type="file" fileName="/scripts/FusionCharts.js"/>
FusionCharts directory is at the root of the web app.
From the SC console.
10:50:33.750:MUP1:WARN:DashboardScreen:isc_DashboardScreen_0:Unable to create autoChild 'savingsChart' of type 'FusionChart' - no such class in runtime. This code used to work.
Note: elsewhere in the application we have some Fusion Charts that do work using different code.
Thanks for any help.
INFO ISCInit - Isomorphic SmartClient Framework (8.2/Enterprise Development Only 2011-12-05) - Initialization Complete
Using Firefox 11
<isomorphic:loadISC includeModules="PluginBridges, Analytics, History, RichTextEditor" skin="Enterprise"/>
In the fileAssembly.xml
<component type="file" fileName="/scripts/FusionCharts.js"/>
FusionCharts directory is at the root of the web app.
From the SC console.
10:50:33.750:MUP1:WARN:DashboardScreen:isc_DashboardScreen_0:Unable to create autoChild 'savingsChart' of type 'FusionChart' - no such class in runtime. This code used to work.
savingsChartDefaults: { _constructor: "FusionChart", title: "Total Savings (in USD)", chartType: "Bar", stacked: false, threeD: false, height: 210, width: "*", chartProperties: { showLegend: false, showValues: true, showLabels: false, showSum: 1, plotGradientColor: "" }, facets: [{ id: "Savings" }, { id: "Type" }], data: [ { Savings: "Savings", Type: "Entity", _value: 0 } ], autoParent: "savingsLayout" }, autoChildren: [ "searchOptions", "chartLayout", "leftLayout", "rightLayout","savingsLayout", "participationLayout", "trendingLayout", "saturationLayout","savingsChart", "savingsChartHelp", "participationChart", "participationChartHelp", "trendingChart", "trendingChartHelp","saturationChart","saturationChartHelp", "detailTabs",/* "programsPane",*/ "buyersPane" ],
drawTrendChart : function (data) { this.leadTimeTrendChart = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", "leadTimeTrend", "600", "250", "0","0"); this.leadTimeTrendChart.setDataXML(data); this.leadTimeTrendChart.render("leadTimeTrend"); }, called like this LeadTimeDMI.generateLeadTimeTrend({ arguments: [ criteria ], callback: this.getID() + ".drawTrendChart(data)"});