Lazy loading of facet values has been implemented as a feature sponsorship.
I've made some tests with SmartClient 8.3d_2012-05-17 and I am having some troubles.
What I've done is replacing (switching the files) SmartClient 8.1 with the new version, configuring with the options I have been given (hideEmptyFacetValues: true and hideEmptyAxis: "row").
I am seeing two problems:
1. The cube headers are not shown any more.
2. The query parameters to build the cube are sent when the cube is created, the total is displayed, but when I try to open a tree facet, no request is sent and no data shown.
I'm including the snippet I'm using:
I've made some tests with SmartClient 8.3d_2012-05-17 and I am having some troubles.
What I've done is replacing (switching the files) SmartClient 8.1 with the new version, configuring with the options I have been given (hideEmptyFacetValues: true and hideEmptyAxis: "row").
I am seeing two problems:
1. The cube headers are not shown any more.
2. The query parameters to build the cube are sent when the cube is created, the total is displayed, but when I try to open a tree facet, no request is sent and no data shown.
I'm including the snippet I'm using:
var cubo = isc.CubeGrid.create({ ID: "cuboServidoresOrgaoCargo", hideEmptyFacetValues: true, hideEmptyAxis: "row", emptyCellValue: "-", formatCellValue: function (value, record, field, rowNum, colNum) { return isc.isA.Number(parseInt(value)) ? Number(value).toLocalizedString(0, ',', '.', '-') : value; }, autoDraw: false, width: "100%", // data configuration facets: facetas, // defined above dataSource: "dsServidoresOrgaoCargo", valueProperty: "TOTAL", // initial facet layout rowFacets: ["ORGAO", "CARREIRACARGO"], columnFacets: ["TOTALSERVIDORES"], wrapFacetValueTitles: true, autoFitFieldWidths: true, autoSizeHeaders: true, // misc settings for this application canCollapseFacets: true, canMinimizeFacets: true, autoSelectValues: "both", // both, cols, row, none rowHeaderGridMode: true, canMoveFacets: true, cellClick: function (record) { Stc.Portal.Servidores.mostraGradeServidores(record.ORGAO, record.CARREIRACARGO); } });