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    FYI: Running sample GAEDS-NOSQL pro 4.1 on Java 8 and gwt 2.6 on GAE 1.9.25 local dev

    FYI: Painful but working GAEDS using JDK 1.8.31 .... I am not allowed to run Java 7 on my development machine. 

    Learned the following.
    Used kepler eclipse and smartgwtpro 4.1p
    Couldn't use 2.5.1 gwt, even though 2.6 is not supported. Had too many issues with getting google gwt plugins to work with gwt 2.5.1 with appengine 1.8.1 or 1.9.25. Used App engine1.9.25 since I plan to deploy in the google cloud architecture.
    Note : You get a datastore error when we try to filter the city in the GAEDS-NOSQL demo. (Why? Because nosql doesn't support the "like" operator, the demo uses the wrong paradigm for nosql.).

    1) Installed 4.2 google gwt plugin in eclipse. Had to install the latest version.
    2) Ant in eclipse Kepler is still bundled at 1.8.4. You have to add build.compiler=javac1.7 to the ant launch properties (use this on the GAEDS ant environment) for the Java 8 compiler to work in Ant 1.8.4.
    3) Updated the ant build file.
    A. Changed the appengine-dev version to 1.9.25 from the 1.8.1.
    B. Changed the environment to use the plugin versions  (2.6 and 1.9.25 respectively of the SDKs) from eclipse "google tools" for GWT_HOME and APPENGINE_HOME. I use both GWT and SmartGwt. It's best to get GWT working first, BTW. 

    I run in SuperDev mode for the application.

    Build.xml for GAEDS is attached.
     Click image for larger version

Name:	GAEDS.jpg
Views:	82
Size:	20.6 KB
ID:	231194
    Attached Files
    Last edited by jlhoward1; 14 Sep 2015, 06:29.

    Thanks for posting this. Do you mind clarifying a couple of things? You said:

    Couldn't use 2.5.1 gwt, even though 2.6 is not supported. Had too many issues with getting google gwt plugins to work with gwt 2.5.1
    Presumably by Google GWT Plugins you mean Google's plugins for Eclipse?

    Also, it looks like this and the other version woes you ran into are all issues with the Google toolset before you even started working with SmartGWT, right?

    On the GAE NOSQL demo ending up using the LIKE operator - we'll take a look at this. It can probably be fixed by just setting defaultTextMatchStyle:"exact" on the ListGrid.


      Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
      Thanks for posting this. Do you mind clarifying a couple of things? You said:

      Presumably by Google GWT Plugins you mean Google's plugins for Eclipse? Yes

      Also, it looks like this and the other version woes you ran into are all issues with the Google toolset before you even started working with SmartGWT, right? Yes

      On the GAE NOSQL demo ending up using the LIKE operator - we'll take a look at this. It can probably be fixed by just setting defaultTextMatchStyle:"exact" on the ListGrid.
      On the matching problem, it only happens on the city filter. Note in the sample cityGrid is setAutoFetchData(false) versus countryGrid fetch which is set true.
      The country appears to work correctly.

      The superdev mode for testing worked well. All the issues were with the Eclipse and Google toolset. I learned an important lesson, "keep copies of the supported versions of plugins, JDKs, and SDKs in a local download directory for software." One other issue when appcfg updating to send the war directory to the GAE Site is invalid character in filename. The app runs fine as far as I know (debugging console included), so I have no idea why this occurs on the Google AppEngine cloud. This does not seem to happen running locally on eclipse..

      Sep 15, 2015 9:43:52 AM addFile
      SEVERE: Invalid character in filename: WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/ds-hibernate/war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet.jar
      Sep 15, 2015 9:43:52 AM addFile
      SEVERE: Invalid character in filename: WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/gae-JPA-noSQL/war/WEB-INF/lib/samples/ds-jpa/war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet.jar
      Sep 15, 2015 9:43:52 AM addFile


        Thanks for posting all this info on trouble with Google's tools, it may help someone.

        Again, use textMatchStyle:"exact" to avoid the LIKE operator being used by the grid.


          Recently we have applied a fix to our code that probably will fix the described problem with exact match.
          The fix assure that exact match is always applied to key fields (both PKs and FKs), so the performance is improved and also the problem reported by you should disappear. For this to work properly you will have to declare all PKs and FKs, using the primaryKey and foreignKey attributes of the field tag in ds.xml files, as you will find in the GAEDS-NOSQL sample.
          I would like to ask you to try out the latest version of this sample code by downloading the latest nightly build for version 9.1/4.1 and let us know if you find any problem.

