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    Smartclient files for resolved issues

    Smartclient version: v10.0p_2015-06-17/Enterprise Deployment

    We found below issues in our application.

    For these issues, smartclient suggested us to upgrade the libraries.
    We have already upgraded the smartclient libraries few times in the past in our product. It would be difficult for us to upgrade the complete smartclient libraries again.

    Is it possible to update only those files which have been modified in smartclient to resolve these issues?
    Can you please provide us those files which have been modifiied to resolve above issues so that we don't have to upgrade whole smartclient framework?

    Mixing patched and unpatched files would create a build that is overall untested, and could not feasibly ever be tested, because if you individually patch files you create a combinatoric explosion of different possible configurations.

    So no, this doesn't make sense. We're not sure how it could be a lot more effort to move one or two files around vs several, but if that's hard for you, you should work on making it easier. The implied amount of testing that needs to be done is the same - in both cases you are just testing the effect of the latest patches.

