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    Small bug in latest nightly

    In the latest nightly (SmartClient_v101p_2015-12-10_Pro) there is a syntax error in ISC_Forms.js line 57135:

     _formatAsTime() {
        return true;
    This should be a function declaration:

     _formatAsTime [B]: function () [/B]{
        return true;
    Feel free to remove this message after reading since there's no value in keeping it around.

    Thanks, this is fixed for tomorrow (this affected the debug module only).



      There's one more: _getPendingBaseStyle() on line 21962 of ISC_Forms.js should have an 'else return baseStyle' at the end otherwise things like pickers (e.g. in a SelectItem) will lose their styling on a form redraw (in the DOM they end up being set to a class of 'null'.
       _getPendingBaseStyle : function (baseStyle, which) {
          if (which === this._$printTitle ||
              which === this._$title ||
              which === this._$cell ||
              which === this._$printTextBox ||
              which === this._$textBox)
              return baseStyle + "Pending";
      [B]    else {
              return baseStyle;


        Can you get this to happen in any of the built-in skins? We can't seem to make it happen in the Pending Values sample. At least, there's no visual effect.


          Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
          Can you get this to happen in any of the built-in skins? We can't seem to make it happen in the Pending Values sample. At least, there's no visual effect.
          Correct, there is no visual effect in the built-in skins since there isn't much styling applied.

          Please see a test case below (taken from the Pending Values sample) where I've set comboBoxItemPickerCell to have some styling, this styling is lost on any change.

          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <script type="text/javascript">var isomorphicDir="isomorphic/";</script>
              <script src="isomorphic/system/modules-debug/ISC_Core.js"></script>
              <script src="isomorphic/system/modules-debug/ISC_Foundation.js"></script>
              <script src="isomorphic/system/modules-debug/ISC_Containers.js"></script>
              <script src="isomorphic/system/modules-debug/ISC_Grids.js"></script>
              <script src="isomorphic/system/modules-debug/ISC_Forms.js"></script>
              <script src="isomorphic/system/modules-debug/ISC_DataBinding.js"></script>
              <script src="isomorphic/skins/Enterprise/load_skin.js"></script>
          [B]    .comboBoxItemPickerCell {
                  border: 1px solid black;
          <script type="text/javascript">
                  ID: "clientOnlyUsersDS",
                  clientOnly: true,
                  fields: [{
                      name: "id",
                      title: "ID",
                      type: "integer",
                      primaryKey: true,
                      hidden: true
                  }, {
                      name: "name",
                      title: "Name"
                  cacheData: [
                      { id: 1, name: "Max" },
                      { id: 2, name: "Bethany" },
                      { id: 3, name: "Zach" },
                      { id: 4, name: "Francesca" }
                  ID: "clientOnlyUserFavoritesDS",
                  clientOnly: true,
                  fields: [{
                      name: "id",
                      title: "ID",
                      type: "integer",
                      primaryKey: true,
                      hidden: true
                  }, {
                      name: "userID",
                      type: "integer",
                      foreignKey: "",
                      title: "User ID"
                  }, {
                      name: "favoriteAnimal",
                      title: "Favorite Animal"
                  }, {
                      name: "favoriteNumber",
                      type: "number",
                      title: "Favorite Integer (0 - 100)"
                  }, {
                      name: "hasFavoriteColor",
                      title: "Has a Favorite Color?",
                      type: "boolean"
                  }, {
                      name: "favoriteColor",
                      valueMap: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet"]
                  }, {
                      name: "favoriteDate",
                      type: "date",
                      title: "Favorite Date"
                  }, {
                      name: "favoriteTime",
                      type: "time",
                      title: "Favorite Time"
                  }, {
                      name: "favoriteMusicGenres",
                      multiple: true,
                      title: "Favorite Music Genres",
                      valueMap: ["Alternative", "Classical", "Country", "Folk", "Hip Hop", "Jazz", "Pop", "R&B", "Rock", "World", "Other"]
                  }, {
                      name: "favoriteCuisines",
                      multiple: true,
                      title: "Favorite Cuisines",
                      valueMap: {
                          "US": "American",
                          "AS": "Australian",
                          "BR": "Brazilian",
                          "UK": "British",
                          "CA": "Canadian",
                          "CH": "Chinese",
                          "FR": "French",
                          "GM": "German",
                          "IN": "Indian",
                          "ID": "Indonesian",
                          "IT": "Italian",
                          "JA": "Japanese",
                          "KS": "Korean",
                          "MX": "Mexican",
                          "RS": "Russian",
                          "SP": "Spanish"
                  }, {
                      name: "favoriteDepartment",
                      title: "Favorite Department"
                  cacheData: [
                          id: 1,
                          userID: 1,
                          favoriteAnimal: "Lemur",
                          favoriteNumber: 90,
                          hasFavoriteColor: false,
                          favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2000, 0, 1),
                          favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(0, 0),
                          favoriteMusicGenres: ["Classical", "Rock", "World"],
                          favoriteVacationDestination: "JA",
                          favoriteCuisines: ["CA", "CH", "IN", "RS"],
                          favoriteDepartment: 4002
                          id: 2,
                          userID: 2,
                          favoriteAnimal: "Zebra",
                          favoriteNumber: 12,
                          hasFavoriteColor: true,
                          favoriteColor: "Orange",
                          favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2012, 11, 12),
                          favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(12, 12),
                          favoriteMusicGenres: ["Alternative", "Hip Hop"],
                          favoriteVacationDestination: "US",
                          favoriteCuisines: ["US", "AS", "BR", "UK"],
                          favoriteDepartment: 3002
                          id: 3,
                          userID: 3,
                          favoriteAnimal: "Elephant",
                          favoriteNumber: 10,
                          hasFavoriteColor: true,
                          favoriteColor: "Green",
                          favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2010, 9, 10),
                          favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(10, 10),
                          favoriteMusicGenres: ["Country", "Folk"],
                          favoriteVacationDestination: "MX",
                          favoriteCuisines: ["GM", "ID", "JA", "MX"],
                          favoriteDepartment: 1001
                          id: 4,
                          userID: 4,
                          favoriteAnimal: "Blue Whale",
                          favoriteNumber: 55,
                          hasFavoriteColor: true,
                          favoriteColor: "Blue",
                          favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2005, 4, 5),
                          favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(12, 0),
                          favoriteMusicGenres: ["Pop", "R&B", "Other"],
                          favoriteVacationDestination: "SP",
                          favoriteCuisines: ["FR", "IT", "KS", "SP"],
                          favoriteDepartment: 3001
              var favoritesForm = isc.DynamicForm.create({
                  ID: "favoritesForm",
                  autoDraw: false,
                  autoFetchData: true,
                  initialCriteria: { userID: 1 },
                  width: 500,
                  colWidths: [175, "*"],
                  dataSource: clientOnlyUserFavoritesDS,
                  revertValueKey: "Escape",
                  items: [{
                      name: "favoriteCuisines",
                      editorType: "SelectItem",
                      width: "*",
                      showPending: true,
                      imageURLPrefix: "flags/16/",
                      imageURLSuffix: ".png",
                      getValueIcon : function (value) {
                          if (isc.isAn.Array(value)) return null;
                          return value;
                  width: "100%",
                  members: [favoritesForm]


            Hi Isomorphic,

            might this issue be related to my FormItem getting a wrong css class?

            Best regards


              Originally posted by Blama View Post
              Hi Isomorphic,

              might this issue be related to my FormItem getting a wrong css class?

              Best regards
              Hi Blama, I read your issue and I don't think its related. In the case I've demonstrated above the class name actually gets set to a string with value 'null' due to no value being returned by an underlying method that retrieves the CSS class name - in your case it appears to be a different class to that expected.


                Hi jaredm,

                I saw that as well, but perhaps further up a child's null-class gets overwritten by the parent's class.

                Best regards


                  We've made a change which should address this issue (incorporating your suggested change). Please give the next nightly build (Dec 15 or above, 10.1 branch) a try.

                  Isomorphic Software

