SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2015-12-03/Enterprise Development Only (built 2015-12-03)
SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v10.1p_2015-12-10/Enterprise Development Only (built 2015-12-10)
Chrome on OSX, Safari on iOS 9.2
Hello, please modify the #responsiveDesignMobileSample like this (I've just added the navigationClick handler to the SplitPane):
Then, in handset mode, if you click the back button, the isc.say doesn't show.
SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v10.1p_2015-12-10/Enterprise Development Only (built 2015-12-10)
Chrome on OSX, Safari on iOS 9.2
Hello, please modify the #responsiveDesignMobileSample like this (I've just added the navigationClick handler to the SplitPane):
function createSplitPane(deviceMode) { var splitPane = isc.SplitPane.create({ autoDraw:false, deviceMode: deviceMode, navigationTitle:"Categories", showLeftButton:false, showRightButton:false, border:"1px solid blue", navigationClick: function (direction) { isc.say(direction) } }); var detailPane = isc.DetailViewer.create({ dataSource: "supplyItem", autoDraw:false }); var listPane = isc.ListGrid.create({ dataSource:"supplyItem", autoDraw:false, recordClick : function (grid, record, rowNum) { detailPane.viewSelectedData(this); splitPane.showDetailPane((rowNum+1) + " of " + grid.getTotalRows(), null, "forward"); } }); if (deviceMode === "tablet") { listPane.addProperties({fields:[{name:"itemName"}, {name:"unitCost"}, {name:"inStock"}]}); } var navigationPane = isc.TreeGrid.create({ autoDraw:false, dataSource: "supplyCategory", autoFetchData: true, showHeader: deviceMode == "desktop", nodeClick : function (grid, record) { listPane.fetchRelatedData(record, this); splitPane.showListPane(record.categoryName, null, "forward"); } }); splitPane.setDetailPane(detailPane); splitPane.setNavigationPane(navigationPane); splitPane.setListPane(listPane); // Create framing for each SplitPane instance // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var flipButton = isc.IButton.create({ autoFit:true, getTitle : function () { return "Flip (" + splitPane.getPageOrientation() + ")"; }, click : function () { var newOrientation = splitPane.getPageOrientation() == "landscape" ? "portrait" : "landscape"; splitPane.setPageOrientation(newOrientation); splitPane.updateUI(); this.markForRedraw(); } }); var container = isc.VLayout.create({ layoutMargin:10, membersMargin : 2, members: [flipButton, splitPane] }) return container; } isc.TabSet.create({ width: "100%", height: "100%", tabs: [ {title: "desktop", pane: createSplitPane("desktop")}, {title: "tablet", pane: createSplitPane("tablet")}, {title: "handset", pane: createSplitPane("handset")} ] });