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    Scrollbar shines through modal window

    Given the stand-alone example below, I have a text field with vertical scrollbar and I open a modal window on top of it. In Chrome (version 49) on a Mac (not happening in Safari and Firefox) that scrollbar shines through the window. See the attached image.

            isc.Page.setEvent('load', function () {
                var form = isc.DynamicForm.create({
                    fields: [{
                        name: 'textField',
                        height: 200,
                        type: 'textarea',
                        width: '*'
                    width: 400
                form.editNewRecord({ textField: 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z'.replace(/ /g, '\n') });
                  items: isc.Label.create({ contents: 'test' }),
                  height: 300,
                  isModal: true,
                  left: 200,
                  showModalMask: true,
                  title: 'Window',
                  top: 50,
                  width: 300
    Attached Files

    Forgot to mention, that I'm using the v10.0p_2015-12-08/Pro version.


      We're not reproducing this with Chrome 49 on two different installs of MacOS X (El Cap, Yosemite).

      We note that a scrollbar is visible in the textArea even though focus is not present in the field, but this is not normally the case. This could be due to some kind of unusual setting or browser add-on you have installed.


        At first, I removed all extensions, but no luck. Now, I've completed uninstalled Chrome and re-installed it. Strangely, the version now is 47 and it says it's the latest, but it works! I'll keep an eye on it to see if version 49 will be installed and maybe re-creates the issue. If not, then it certainly was something on my Mac or whatsoever.

        Thanks for now.

