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    SmartClient ListGrid issues due to conflicting CSS


    I have used a bootstrap html template to provide me with a nice responsive login and menu.
    From the menu, I launch my SmartClient only JS calls.

    My ListGrid have very funny scrolling issues and when I remove the bootstrap.min.css from the index.html page, all is fine.
    How can I isolate my JavaScript classes to ignore such style sheets?

    Please help. I do not co-exist bootstram widgets and SmartClient widgets. Bootstrap display the home page menu.


    Bootstrap changes fundamental behaviors of HTML elements, such as TD and TR, in order to implement its layouts. That means it conflicts with every type of client- or server-side widgets.

    If you are forced to use Bootstrap, the only option is to explicitly reverse Bootstrap's effect on such elements wherever you have SmartClient components, which you can do with some fairly straightforward CSS3 selectors, as long as you are free to ignore IE8.


      Hi, just to give feedback. We've fixed this by removing jquery css and replace the specific styles bootstrap needed from the jquery. The issue was jquery stylesheets.

