tested: with SmartClient 10.x 2016-01-15
In ComboBoxItem._shouldFetchMissingValue(), there is a bug then this method lookups inside pickList,
if it found a record and then call _addDataToDisplayFieldCache it must also call updateDisplayValueMap(true); to recalculate _displayValueMap according to newly added "recordFromPickList"
otherwise ComboBoxItem will display "ID" instead of real value.
Snippet from ComboBoxItem.js and where to add a line:
tested: with SmartClient 10.x 2016-01-15
In ComboBoxItem._shouldFetchMissingValue(), there is a bug then this method lookups inside pickList,
if it found a record and then call _addDataToDisplayFieldCache it must also call updateDisplayValueMap(true); to recalculate _displayValueMap according to newly added "recordFromPickList"
otherwise ComboBoxItem will display "ID" instead of real value.
Snippet from ComboBoxItem.js and where to add a line:
_shouldFetchMissingValue : function (value, fieldName) { if (this.fetchMissingValues == false) return false; var ods = this.getOptionDataSource(); if (ods == null) return false; var superShouldFetch = this.Super("_shouldFetchMissingValue", arguments); if (superShouldFetch == false) return false; if (value != null && ods) { var recordFromPickList = this.pickList && this.getPickListRecordForValue(value, fieldName); if (recordFromPickList != null) { // Store the record from the pickList in our displayField cache this._addDataToDisplayFieldCache([recordFromPickList]); this._updateSelectedRecord(); this.updateDisplayValueMap(true); // <- this line must be added return false; } } return superShouldFetch; },