Hi there,
SC Version: v10.0p_2015-06-30/Enterprise Deployment
Browser: Latest Chrome
We require a layout that behaves like Bootstrap's 12 column fluid grid layout. The closest parralels I could find was the tile layouts with the fit and flow policies, these were not quite adequate. They wrap content at the end to the next row and dont really have the flexibility of the virtual 12 column paradigm.
I tried wrapping some of Bootstrap's CSS and using HTMLFlow and Canvas.getInnerHTML and then using Bootstrap css inside that but it seems that some of the css just doenst work well within the smartclient eco system of css.
Is there perhaps a container layout policy that I have missed? Is there a way to use Bootstrap constructively in SmartClient?
PS: Split panes are not really applicable here either since the different blocks of information in question here are not really related in anyway (parent-child relationships)
Thanks in advance
De Wet
SC Version: v10.0p_2015-06-30/Enterprise Deployment
Browser: Latest Chrome
We require a layout that behaves like Bootstrap's 12 column fluid grid layout. The closest parralels I could find was the tile layouts with the fit and flow policies, these were not quite adequate. They wrap content at the end to the next row and dont really have the flexibility of the virtual 12 column paradigm.
I tried wrapping some of Bootstrap's CSS and using HTMLFlow and Canvas.getInnerHTML and then using Bootstrap css inside that but it seems that some of the css just doenst work well within the smartclient eco system of css.
Is there perhaps a container layout policy that I have missed? Is there a way to use Bootstrap constructively in SmartClient?
PS: Split panes are not really applicable here either since the different blocks of information in question here are not really related in anyway (parent-child relationships)
Thanks in advance
De Wet