I have a ListGrid with deferred removal that shows data from a DataSource filtered by a field. When I attempt to perform a remove operation, I always get a JavaScript error when saving changes.
You can reproduce it by using the following code snippet:
Steps to reproduce:
1- Mark for removal the two records in the ListGrid.
2- Confirm your removal by clicking the save button.
3- You will see that only one record gets removed, and find a JavaScript error in your browser console.
JavaScript error stack trace:
Browser: Google Chrome 47.0.2526.111 m
SmartClient version: v10.1p_2016-01-21
I have a ListGrid with deferred removal that shows data from a DataSource filtered by a field. When I attempt to perform a remove operation, I always get a JavaScript error when saving changes.
You can reproduce it by using the following code snippet:
isc.RestDataSource.create({ ID: "ds", fields: [ {name: "pk", type: "sequence", primaryKey: true, hidden: true}, {name: "fk", type: "sequence"}, {name: "value", type: "sequence"} ], clientOnly: true, cacheData: [ {pk: 1, fk: 1, value: 1}, {pk: 2, fk: 1, value: 2}, {pk: 3, fk: 2, value: 3}, {pk: 4, fk: 2, value: 4} ] }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "saveBtn", title: "save", action: function() { list.saveAllEdits(); } }); isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "list", canRemoveRecords: true, deferRemoval: true, dataSource: ds, }); list.fetchData({fk: 1}); isc.VLayout.create({ ID: "testLayout", members: [ saveBtn, list ] });
1- Mark for removal the two records in the ListGrid.
2- Confirm your removal by clicking the save button.
3- You will see that only one record gets removed, and find a JavaScript error in your browser console.
JavaScript error stack trace:
*17:16:35.472:TMR2:WARN:Log:TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined Stack from error.stack: get(<no args: exited>) on [ResultSet ID:isc_ResultSet_3 (dataSource: ds, created by: list)] @ ISC_DataBinding.js.jsf:45939:37 discardEdits(<no args: exited>) on[ListGrid ID:list] @ ISC_Grids.js.jsf:53534:45 removeDataComplete(<no args: exited>) on[ListGrid ID:list] @ ISC_Grids.js.jsf:55977:22 fireCallback(callback=>Obj, argNames=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", args=>Array[3], target=>[ListGrid ID:list], catchErrors=>undef) on [Class RestDataSource] @ ISC_Core.js.jsf:6805:36 fireCallback(callback=>Obj, argNames=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", args=>Array[3], catchErrors=>undef) on [RestDataSource ID:ds] @ ISC_Core.js.jsf:8653:32 fireResponseCallbacks(dsResponse=>Obj, dsRequest=>Obj, rpcResponse=>Obj, rpcRequest=>Obj) on [RestDataSource ID:ds] @ ISC_DataBinding.js.jsf:18784:39 _completeResponseProcessing(data=>Obj, dsResponse=>Obj, dsRequest=>Obj, rpcResponse=>Obj, rpcRequest=>Obj) on [RestDataSource ID:ds] @ ISC_DataBinding.js.jsf:18735:14 callback(dsResponse=>Obj) on [RestDataSource ID:ds] @ ISC_DataBinding.js.jsf:16510:18 _handleClientOnlyReply(rpcResponse=>Obj, data=>Obj, rpcRequest=>Obj) on [RestDataSource ID:ds] @ ISC_DataBinding.js.jsf:16518:22 fireCallback(<no args: recursion>) on [Class RPCManager] @ ISC_Core.js.jsf:6805:36 fireCallback(<no args: recursion>) on [RPCManager ID:builtinApplication] @ ISC_Core.js.jsf:8653:32 fireReplyCallback(callback=>Obj, request=>Obj, response=>Obj, data=>Obj) on [Class RPCManager] @ ISC_DataBinding.js.jsf:41245:42 fireReplyCallbacks(request=>Obj, response=>Obj) on [Class RPCManager] @ ISC_DataBinding.js.jsf:41308:18 performOperationReply(request=>Obj, response=>Obj) on [Class RPCManager] @ ISC_DataBinding.js.jsf:41237:21 _performTransactionReply(transactionNum=>20) on [Class RPCManager] @ ISC_DataBinding.js.jsf:41151:18 fireCallback(<no args: recursion>) on [Class Timer] @ ISC_Core.js.jsf:6805:36 _fireTimeout(ID=>"_timeout180", tmrID=>435, delayedTmrID=>undef) on [Class Timer] @ ISC_Core.js.jsf:33271:10 <anonymous>() @ ISC_Core.js.jsf:33193:19
SmartClient version: v10.1p_2016-01-21