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    Week 12 is listed twice in Timeline

    Hi there,
    when using the timeline I noticed that the 12th calendar week is shown twice (one starting on March 21st and one on March 28th). Consequently, every week after those two is Numbered one too high.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	20160128-134354.png
Views:	104
Size:	6.7 KB
ID:	234512
    This is reproducable in the latest nightly (SmartClient_v101p_2016-01-27_Pro) and all current browsers.

    Code for reproduction:
        "ID" : "timeline_1",
        "startDate" : new Date(2016, 2, 20),
        "endDate" : new Date(2016, 3, 20),
        "headerLevels" :
                "unit" : "week"
                "unit" : "day"
        "firstDayOfWeek" : 1,
        "weekPrefix" : "Calendar Week ",
        "dayPrefix" : "Day "
    Best regards

    Is there any news about this?
    This seems to be a minor issue for smartclient, but our customers think we are repsonsible for this bug and it's kind of embarassing. We are now in 5th calendar week so this would be automatically visible for our customers soon. By now only when they browse to the future.



      We have this fixed internally and it will hit builds in a day or so - we'll update here when it does.


        Apologies for the delay - you should find this fixed for builds dated February 5 and later.


          Thanks for the response.
          Fot the dateInterval
               "startDate" : new Date(2016, 2, 20),     "endDate" : new Date(2016, 3, 20),
          it is fixed. Changing the dateInterval does result in the same issue. Again calendarweek 12 twice

          Tested with the latest Smartclient version (SmartClient_v101p_2016-02-05_Pro)
          Click image for larger version

Name:	20160205-132057.png
Views:	88
Size:	25.2 KB
ID:	234680

          Code for reproduction:
              "ID" : "timeline_1",
              "startDate" : new Date(2016, 1, 29),
              "endDate" : new Date(2016, 2, 27),
              "headerLevels" :
                      "unit" : "week"
                      "unit" : "day"
              "firstDayOfWeek" : 1,
              "weekPrefix" : "Calendar Week ",
              "dayPrefix" : "Day "


            The fix we made previously was a rework of the getWeek() method itself, on isc.Date - that should now be correct in all cases.

            We've just made a second change to CalendarView, which addresses this latest issue and should also prevent any others. You can try the change in tomorrow's builds.


              Confirmed, it's fixed in all reported cases.


                Using version: v101p_2016-03-07_LGPL
                I think this is still an issue on the week view of the calendar?
                Attached Files
                Last edited by dencel; 7 Mar 2016, 01:55.


                  this happens also in: v10.0p_2016-04-19/LGPL.

                  Is this going to be fixed in older versions (10.1p, 10.0p,...)?

                  Thank you


                    We don't currently plan to backport this one - 5.1 has been out quite a while and there is now also 6.0, so it's time to update.

                    About an issue with the week view - please test with the latest patched version, and if you can reproduce the problem there, please show a test case that reproduces the issue.


                      Hi agian, I would like to ask you if it would be so hard to backport this fix to SmartGWT 5.0p. We plan to upgrade our version to 6.0 but our clients which get maintenance upgrades complains about this issue. We plan to use 6.0p in production since 1/2017. This would help us a lot to keep our clients calm. Thanks a lot for your answer.

