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    Group is not updated when changing underlying formula/summary field

    SmartClient: v10.1p_2016-02-11
    Browser: All

    When changing the underlying summary or formula field, and if that field is grouped, the group heading is not updated.

    REPRO steps:
    1. Load the test case
    2. Observe that the grid has a summary field, with Owner as the underlying data, and is grouped by this summary field
    3. Modify the summary field so it uses Project (B) instead of Owner (A)
    4. Observe that the summary field values change, but the group headings do not.

    I can manually force this behavior with grid.setGroupState(grid.getGroupState()). My workaround would be to put this code in the formula and sumamry updated handlers, but I wanted to post this as if its an API issue I will wait for a fix.

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                // set this to the correct JIRA ticket
                var JIRA_TICKET = "SNT-12836";
                // test data
                var data = [
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->GA->Atlanta->Engineering", redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Long Project Name", path:"East->PA->Pittsburgh->Engineering",redflag: "", owner: "Staples", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 80, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "6789 Avenue B", path:"East->PA->Pittsburgh->Finance",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 23, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->PA->Pittsburgh->Maintenance",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Feliz Navidad", path:"East->VA->Newport News",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->VA->Newport News->Engineering",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 10, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Whitehouse Lawn Maintenance", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Electrical",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 220, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Electrical", redflag: "", owner: "Staples", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Automated Teller MAchine Upgrades", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Electrical->Panels",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Plumbing",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 34, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"West->CA->San Diego->Engineering",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 90, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"West->CA->San Diego->Marketing",redflag: "", owner: "Staples", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Saks Avenue", path:"West->CA->San Diego->Marketing",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" }
                ID: "ds",
                fields: [
                //{name:PATH_DS_NAME, title:"Hierarchy", type:"text", groupingModes:[PATH_GROUP_NORMAL,PATH_GROUP_FULL]},
                    {name:"project", title:"Project", type:"text" },
                    {name:"owner", type:"text", title:"Owner"},
                    {name:"summary", type:"text", title:"User Summary", userSummary: { summaryVars: {A:"owner"}, text: "#{A}"}},
                    {name:"ins", type:"integer", title:"#Inspections"},
                    {name:"obs", type:"integer", title:"#Observations"}
                clientOnly: true
                // once page loads set some diagnostic information, DO NOT CHANGE
                isc.Page.setEvent("load", function() {
                    document.title = JIRA_TICKET + "   (SmartClient version " + isc.versionNumber + ")";
                    var html = [];
                    html.push("Jira: " + JIRA_TICKET);
                    html.push("SmartClient: " + isc.versionNumber);
                    html.push("Browser: " + navigator.appCodeName + " " + navigator.appName + " " + navigator.appVersion);
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                        // ===== place anty components here

    This has been fixed for builds dated February 13 and later.

    Note that userSummary is illegal at the DataSourceField level - it's a ListGridField attribute.
    Last edited by Isomorphic; 12 Feb 2016, 10:50.


      Verified...thanks. Also realize that userSUmmary is not valid for datasource, I just use it as a pass through for the grid.

