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    Field is moved to Available Fields after editing summary field

    SmartClient: v10.1p_2016-02-11
    Browsers: all

    This is another fringe test case, but nonetheless this is not functioning as expected.

    REPRO Steps
    1. Load TEst Case
    2. Observe that field ONE, this is a summary field based on Owner
    3. Create another summary field, name it TWO, use field ONE as the summary and check "Auto hide fields used in summary"
    4. Observe field TWO is visible in the grid, ONE is not
    5. Select Column Picker from menu
    6. Move TWO to available fields
    7. Move ONE to visible fields
    8. Click expand arrow next to ONE in visible fields list
    9. Click Edit Summary Format
    10. Click OK to "Must save pending changes to proceed. OK?"
    11. Change the summary to be field "Project", click Save
    12. Observe that ONE is moved back to available fields

    I would expect that in step #10 that the visible/available fields state is saved and ONE should not be moved back to available.

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                // set this to the correct JIRA ticket
                var JIRA_TICKET = "SNT-12940";
                // test data
                var data = [
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->GA->Atlanta->Engineering", redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Long Project Name", path:"East->PA->Pittsburgh->Engineering",redflag: "", owner: "Staples", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 80, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "6789 Avenue B", path:"East->PA->Pittsburgh->Finance",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 23, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->PA->Pittsburgh->Maintenance",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Feliz Navidad", path:"East->VA->Newport News",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->VA->Newport News->Engineering",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 10, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Whitehouse Lawn Maintenance", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Electrical",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 220, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Electrical", redflag: "", owner: "Staples", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Automated Teller MAchine Upgrades", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Electrical->Panels",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Plumbing",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 34, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"West->CA->San Diego->Engineering",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 90, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"West->CA->San Diego->Marketing",redflag: "", owner: "Staples", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Saks Avenue", path:"West->CA->San Diego->Marketing",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" }
                ID: "ds",
                fields: [
                //{name:PATH_DS_NAME, title:"Hierarchy", type:"text", groupingModes:[PATH_GROUP_NORMAL,PATH_GROUP_FULL]},
                    {name:"project", title:"Project", type:"text" },
                    {name:"owner", type:"text", title:"Owner"},
                    {name:"summary1", type:"text", title:"ONE", userSummary: { summaryVars: {A:"owner"}, text: "#{A}"}},
                    {name:"ins", type:"integer", title:"#Inspections"},
                    {name:"obs", type:"integer", title:"#Observations"}
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    We've fixed the issue causing fields not to maintain their visibility status in the situation you describe. The fix will be applied to SC 10.1p and newer. Check the next nightly builds (dated 2016-02-15).

