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    Selecting"Auto hides fields used in summary" makes field dissappear completely


    Another fringe use case, however it seems there are some loopholes when dealing with fields visibility and using the "Auto hide fields" option in formula and sumamry builders.

    REPRO steps:
    1. Load the test case
    2. Observe that the Project column cannot be hidden (canHide: false)
    3. Create a new summary field using Project, select "Auto hide fields used..."
    4. Observe that Project is no longer visible
    5. Open field picker
    6. Observe Project not in available fields

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        <title >SNT-13368</title>
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        var data = [
                { project: "-123 Avenue", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Long Project Name", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img height='30px' width='150px' src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Feliz Navidad", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img height='30px' width='150px' src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Whitehouse Lawn Maintenance", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img height='30px' width='150px' src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Automated Teller MAchine Upgrades", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img height='30px' width='150px' src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "-123 Avenue", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "-Saks Avenue", redflag: "", owner: "Univerity of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: "10/12/2011", score:"<img height='30px' width='150px' src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" }
        <script type="text/javascript">
                ID: "ds",
                fields: [
                    {name:"project", title:"Project", type:"text", canHide:false },
                    {name:"ins", type:"integer", title:"#Inspections"},
                    {name:"obs", type:"integer", title:"#Observations"},
                    {name:"unsafe", type:"integer", title:"# Non-Compliant"},
                    {name:"safe", type:"integer", title:"# Compliant"}
                clientOnly: true
            var grid = isc.ListGrid.create({
                dataSource : ds,
                dataFetchMode : "local",
                autoFetchData: true,
                width : 800,
                align : "center",
                autoFitData : "vertical",
                autoFitMaxHeight : 600,
                alternateRecordStyles : true,
                canMultiGroup: true,
                canAddFormulaFields: true,
                canAddSummaryFields: true,
                showGroupSummary: true,
                applyFormulaAfterSummary: true,
                useAdvancedFieldPicker: true,
                advancedFieldPickerThreshold: 5

    We've prevented canHide: false fields from being hidden in the circumstances you describe. The fix will be applied to SC 10.1p and newer. Check the next nightly builds (dated 2016-02-15).

    Please note that repro cases like you provided above should be configured to run against the Framework in the modules directory and not the development directory

