SmartClient Version: v10.1p_2016-02-16/Enterprise Development Only (built 2016-02-16)
Safari on iOS 9.2.1 (iPhone 5, physical device)
please modify the #maskedTextItem sample like this:
I've added browserInputType:"digits" to the phoneNo formItem.
You'll see that you'll not be able to type in it.
Safari on iOS 9.2.1 (iPhone 5, physical device)
please modify the #maskedTextItem sample like this:
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "contactForm", width: 400, fields: [ { name: "firstName", title: "First name", editorType: "TextItem", mask: ">?<??????????????", hint: "<nobr>>?<??????????????</nobr>"}, { name: "lastName", title: "Last name", editorType: "TextItem", mask: ">?<??????????????", hint: "<nobr>>?<??????????????</nobr>"}, { name: "state", title: "State", editorType: "TextItem", mask: ">LL", hint: "<nobr>>LL</nobr>"}, { name: "phoneNo", title: "Phone No.", editorType: "TextItem", mask: "(###) ###-####", hint: "(###) ###-####", showHintInField: true, browserInputType:"digits"}, { name: "dateItem", title: "Date", editorType: "DateItem", useTextField: true, useMask: true}, { name: "dateTimeItem", title: "Date Time", editorType: "DateTimeItem", useTextField: true, useMask: true}, { name: "timeItem", title: "Time", editorType: "TimeItem", useMask: true} ] });
You'll see that you'll not be able to type in it.