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    Horizintal scrolling loads column but not filter row.


    I have live grid with about 50 columns.
    But when I scroll horizontal to right end, Grid does not display column filter editor with column header.

    I have set showAllcolumns : true, still column filter editor is distorted.

    Am I still missing any property to set?? Click image for larger version

Name:	horizontalScroll.PNG
Views:	23
Size:	15.3 KB
ID:	235107

    Please find below listGrid creation.


    width: "100%",
    height: "100%",
    autoFetchData: true,
    canEdit: false,
    canDragSelectText: true,
    canGroup: true,
    canMultiGroup: true,
    canMultiSort: true,
    fixedRecordHeights: true,
    showFilterEditor: true,
    canHover: true,
    gridComponents: ['header', 'filterEditor', 'body'],
    alternateRecordStyles: true,
    showAllColumns: true,
    sortField: 'createdate',
    sortDirection: 'createdate',
    showRollOver: false,
    showAllColumns: true,
    dataSource: mydata

    Structure I load
    HLayout ---->>> TabSet ----->>> ListGrid.

    I use smartclient Version v10.0p_2015-01-14/PowerEdition Development Only (2015-01-14).

    Thanking you.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by ppratik; 19 Feb 2016, 07:49.

    Update to the latest patched build of 10.0, or just straight to 10.1. If you still see the issue, try to create a minimal, ready-to-run test case demonstrating the issue. For advice on how best to do this, see the Debugging overview.

