SmartClient Version: v10.1p_2016-02-24/Enterprise Development Only (built 2016-02-24)
Safari on iOS
Hello, it seems that the DynamicForm method focusInItem fails to put focus in the form item if called after a ListGrid.filterData.
I've modified the #adaptiveFilterFS sample:
it works when using Chrome or Safari on OSX, but on iOS, after typing the first character in the formItem, the form doesn't get the focus.
Safari on iOS
Hello, it seems that the DynamicForm method focusInItem fails to put focus in the form item if called after a ListGrid.filterData.
I've modified the #adaptiveFilterFS sample:
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID:"searchForm", items:[ { name:"search", changed:function(form, item, value) { supplyList.filterData({description:value}, "searchForm.focusInItem('search')") } } ] }) isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "supplyList", width:500, height:300, alternateRecordStyles:true, top:30, dataSource: supplyItem, fields:[ {name:"SKU"}, {name:"itemName"}, {name:"description"}, {name:"category"} ], autoFetchData: true, showFilterEditor: false, filterOnKeypress: true, fetchDelay: 500 }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The code that follows is just to illustrate when SmartClient has needed to contact the // server. It is not part of the example. var origBGColor, restoreBGColorTimerID; supplyItem.addProperties({ transformResponse: function (dsResponse) { if (this.dataFormat == "iscServer") this.updateRowCountLabel(dsResponse); }, // This approach logs simulated server trips for SmartClient LGPL, where all DataSources // in the Feature Explorer are converted to clientOnly:true so that no server is required. getClientOnlyResponse : function (dsRequest) { var dsResponse = this.Super("getClientOnlyResponse", arguments); this.updateRowCountLabel(dsResponse); return dsResponse; }, updateRowCountLabel : function (dsResponse) { serverCount.incrementAndUpdate(dsResponse.totalRows, dsResponse.startRow, dsResponse.endRow); // Flash the label if (restoreBGColorTimerID == null) origBGColor = serverCount.backgroundColor; else isc.Timer.clear(restoreBGColorTimerID); serverCount.setBackgroundColor("#ffff77"); restoreBGColorTimerID = isc.Timer.setTimeout(function () { restoreBGColorTimerID = null; serverCount.setBackgroundColor(origBGColor); }, 500); } }) var serverCount = isc.Label.create({ top: 320, padding: 10, width: 500, height: 40, border: "1px solid grey", contents: "<b>Number of server trips: 0</b>", count: 0, incrementAndUpdate: function (totalRows, startRow, endRow) { this.count++; this.setContents("<b>Number of server trips: " + this.count + "<br/>Total rows in this filter set: " + totalRows + "<br/>Last range of records returned: " + startRow + " to " + endRow + "</b>"); } });