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    Sort order is reversed after editing formula


    After editing a formula, the sort order is reversed.

    REPRO steps:
    1. Load the test case
    2. Create a formula column (A/B)
    3. Sort the new formula column
    4. Observe the sort order
    5. Edit the formula (B/A)
    6. Observe sort is reversed, but the sort icon is not changed
    7. Click the column to sort
    8. Observe that the sort changes but the icon does not

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                { project: "6789 Avenue B", path:"East->PA->Pittsburgh->Finance",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 23, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: new Date(2016, 7, 10), score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
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                { project: "Feliz Navidad", path:"East->VA->Newport News",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: new Date(2011, 12, 10), score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->VA->Newport News->Engineering",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 10, insDate: new Date(2016, 3, 10), score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "Whitehouse Lawn Maintenance", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Electrical",redflag: "", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9, safe: 220, insDate: new Date(2011, 12, 10), score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" },
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"East->PA->Philadelphia->Electrical", redflag: "", owner: "Staples", ins: 33, obs: 1, unsafe: 9, safe: 222, insDate: new Date(2011, 12, 10), score:"<img src='star-4.png'/>55%", link:"<a href=''>View Analysis</a>" }
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    This is fixed for builds dated February 28 and later


      Just tried my test case with SmartClient_v101p_2016-02-28_PowerEdition and the issue still occurs.


        Apologies - a subsequent change had scuppered this one. Repaired for builds dated March 2.


          That maintained the sort order, however now sorting does not work at all.

          REPRO Steps:
          1. Load the test case
          2. Create a formula column (A/B)
          3. Sort the new formula column
          4. Observe the sort order (ascending, small to large)
          5. Edit the formula (B/A)
          6. Observe sort is still ascending, small to large)
          7. Click the Project column to sort
          8. Observe that the icon changes but the grid is not sorted

          This happens for all columns in step 7.


            We'll take another look.


              The fix we implemented here was correct, but it highlighted a bug elsewhere (in the resort() mechanism itself) - that's been fixed for tomorrow's builds.

