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    DrawPane snapToGrid doesn't work

    SmartClient Version: v10.1p_2016-02-24/Enterprise Development Only (built 2016-02-24)

    Chrome on OSX

    Hello, please modify the #drawKnobs sample like this (I've enabled snapToGrid on the DrawPanes):
    // In this sample, a DrawPane is created to hold each of nine different types
    // of DrawItems:  DrawLine, DrawRect, DrawOval, DrawTriangle, DrawCurve,
    // DrawShape, DrawLinePath, DrawImage, and DrawLabel.  For each item a
    // DynamicForm is created with checkboxes to toggle the control knobs available
    // to the item.
    // The nine DrawPanes will all have the same configuration defined in the
    // following class:
    isc.defineClass("DemoDrawPane", "DrawPane").addProperties({
        childrenSnapToGrid: true,
        childrenSnapResizeToGrid: true,
        autoDraw: false,
        margin: 2,
        width: "100%",
        height: "*",
        border: "1px solid #f0f0f0",
        overflow: "hidden"
    // The nine forms will be instances of the following DemoForm class.  It
    // creates a checkbox for each KnobType and handles calling DrawItme.showKnobs()
    // and hideKnobs() when the checkboxes are toggled.
    isc.defineClass("DemoForm", "DynamicForm").addProperties({
        addPropertiesOnCreate: false,
        init : function (drawItem, knobTypes) {
            var numKnobTypes = knobTypes.length,
                items = this.items = new Array(numKnobTypes),
                initialValues = this.values = {};
            this.numCols = numKnobTypes;
            // Create a checkbox for each KnobType that shows/hides that type of
            // control knob.
            for (var i = 0; i < numKnobTypes; i++) {
                var knobType = knobTypes[i];
                items[i] = {
                    editorType: "CheckboxItem",
                    name: knobType,
                    title: knobType,
                    showTitle: false,
                    changed : function (form, item, value) {
                        var drawItem = form.drawItem,
                            // The KnobType controlled by this checkbox was used
                            // for the name.
                            knob =;
                        drawItem[value ? "showKnobs" : "hideKnobs"].call(drawItem, knob);
                // Initially check the checkbox if the DrawItem is showing this
                // type of control knob.
                initialValues[knobType] = (
                    drawItem.knobs != null &&
            // Save the DrawItem with this form so that it may be referenced from within
            // the changed() method of the checkboxes.
            this.drawItem = drawItem;
            this.Super("init", arguments);
    // The nine DrawPanes and accompanying DynamicForms will be placed in their own
    // section of a SectionStack.  This method generates these sections.
    var createSection = function (drawItem, expanded, knobTypes) {
        var title = drawItem.getClassName(),
            drawPane = drawItem.drawPane,
            knobsForm = isc.DemoForm.create(drawItem, knobTypes);
        // Place a slider at the bottom of each section to control the rotation of
        // the DrawItem.
        var minValue = 0, maxValue = 360, numValues = 361,
            rotationSlider = isc.Slider.create({
            vertical: false,
            value: 0,
            minValue: minValue,
            maxValue: maxValue,
            numValues: numValues,
            showValue: false,
            width: 300,
            height: 50,
            title: "Rotation",
            previousValue: 0,
            drawItem: drawItem,
            valueChanged : function (value) {
                this.drawItem.rotateBy(value - this.previousValue);
                this.previousValue = value;
        return {
            title: title,
            expanded: expanded,
            controls: [knobsForm],
            items: [
                    width: "100%",
                    height: 250,
                    members: [drawPane, rotationSlider]
    // Create the nine DrawItems:
    var drawLine = isc.DrawLine.create({
        drawPane: isc.DemoDrawPane.create(),
        startPoint: [200, 20],
        endPoint: [400, 70],
        keepInParentRect: true
    var drawRect = isc.DrawRect.create({
        drawPane: isc.DemoDrawPane.create(),
        left: 160,
        top: 30,
        width: 50,
        height: 120,
        keepInParentRect: true,
        knobs: ["resize"]
    var drawOval = isc.DrawOval.create({
        drawPane: isc.DemoDrawPane.create(),
        left: 450,
        top: 10,
        width: 70,
        height: 140,
        keepInParentRect: true,
        knobs: ["resize"]
    var drawTriangle = isc.DrawTriangle.create({
        drawPane: isc.DemoDrawPane.create(),
        points: [[75, 50], [100, 100], [50, 100]],
        keepInParentRect: true,
        knobs: ["resize"]
    var drawCurve = isc.DrawCurve.create({
        drawPane: isc.DemoDrawPane.create(),
        startPoint: [60, 140],
        endPoint: [200, 10],
        controlPoint1: [20, 20],
        controlPoint2: [300, 120],
        keepInParentRect: true
    var drawShape = isc.DrawShape.create({
        drawPane: isc.DemoDrawPane.create(),
        commands: [{
            type: "moveto", args: [275, 50]
        }, {
            type: "lineto",
            args: [
                [287, 50], [300, 62], [312, 62], [325, 62], [325, 87], [312, 87],
                [300, 87], [287, 100], [275, 100]]
        }, {
            type: "close"
        keepInParentRect: true,
        knobs: ["resize"]
    var drawLinePath = isc.DrawLinePath.create({
        drawPane: isc.DemoDrawPane.create(),
        startPoint: [200, 20],
        endPoint: [400, 70],
        keepInParentRect: true
    var drawImage = isc.DrawImage.create({
        drawPane: isc.DemoDrawPane.create(),
        left: 250,
        top: 30,
        width: 48,
        height: 48,
        src: "/isomorphic/system/reference/exampleImages/pieces/48/piece_red.png",
        keepInParentRect: true,
        knobs: ["resize"],
        useMatrixFilter: true
    var drawLabel = isc.DrawLabel.create({
        drawPane: isc.DemoDrawPane.create(),
        left: 160,
        top: 30,
        contents: "DrawLabel",
        fontSize: 25,
        fontWeight: "normal",
        fontStyle: "italic",
        fontFamily: "Times New Roman, serif",
        keepInParentRect: true
    // Put everything together in a SectionStack.
        width: "100%",
        overflow: "visible",
        visibilityMode: "multiple",
        sections: [
            createSection(drawLine, true, ["startPoint", "endPoint"]),
            createSection(drawRect, false, ["resize", "move"]),
            createSection(drawOval, false, ["resize", "move"]),
            createSection(drawTriangle, true, ["resize", "move"]),
            createSection(drawCurve, false,
                ["startPoint", "endPoint", "controlPoint1", "controlPoint2"]),
            createSection(drawShape, true, ["resize", "move"]),
            createSection(drawLinePath, false,
                ["startPoint", "endPoint", "controlPoint1", "controlPoint2"]),
            createSection(drawImage, false, ["resize", "move"]),
            createSection(drawLabel, false, ["move"])
    If you try to resize or move a rectangle, you'll see that it moves and resizes freely, without snap to grid.

    Although a subtle point, this is expected: DrawItems are not children. The snapToGrid features affect Canvas children only.

    This does make sense as a possible future feature.


      Thanks for the clarification.
      Actually I have to draw only rectangles, so I think I can live with canvases.

      A performance question: at the moment I have to draw a dozen of canvases, but if in the future I will need to draw hundreds or thousands of rectangles, I'll have to use the drawing module to have acceptable performance?
      Other advantages of the Drawing modules vs using directly canvases?


        Too many factors to give a simple answer to that - it depends on the styling, properties and interactivity requirements for the elements, whether they'll be updated after draw and how, which browser engine(s) are in play, whether the DrawPane is using native <canvas> vs SVG rendering, and even things like the total number of CSS styles defined in the document (on some browsers).

