SmartClient Version: v9.1p_2015-09-16/Pro Development Only (built 2015-09-16)
Any browser, any version
I would like to initially hide a button that is being snapped onto an HTMLFlow. Adding the button as a peer of the HTMLFlow component is necessary to position the button appropriately with the snapTo property. However, adding it as a peer seems to ignore the visibility and opacity properties. Would this be considered a bug?
Any browser, any version
I would like to initially hide a button that is being snapped onto an HTMLFlow. Adding the button as a peer of the HTMLFlow component is necessary to position the button appropriately with the snapTo property. However, adding it as a peer seems to ignore the visibility and opacity properties. Would this be considered a bug?
isc.HTMLFlow.create({ ID: "hello", width: 5, styleName: "exampleTextBlock", contents: "<hr><span class='exampleDropTitle'>Ajax </span> <b>A</b>synchronous <b>J</b>avaScript <b>A</b>nd <b>X</b>ML (AJAX) is a Web development technique for creating interactive <b>web applications</b>.<hr>" }); isc.Button.create({ snapTo: "R", snapEdge: "L", ID: "hi", visibility: "hidden", opacity: 0 }); hello.addPeer(hi);