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    using webdriver with smartclient.

    We have recently started using selenium for testing our web application and we are starting with the Selenium Web driver as that seems to the future from the selenium website.

    I looked at other post but we still need to use WebDriver.

    Can you please tell me when you think smartclient will provide official support for Web Driver? and do you have some examples for how to use Web Driver for smartclient?

    The explanation in the thread you referenced seems to pretty much cover all the bases as to why you shouldn't use WebDriver, but if you are dead set on it, consider Feature Sponsorship if you want it done by a specific date.


      Thanks for your response. Apart from Feautre Sponsorship way, is there any roughly estimated date when smartclient will offer this to their customers?


        Update: I implemented BySCLocator java class to locate smartclient elements (using javascript code in the user-extensions.js) and I was able to test my smartclient pages with atleast firefox using webdriver. But still things didn't work for me in chrome and IE. e.g. chrome was not able to click on the button and sometime it happens with firefox too. I saw your 8.3 rc notification and did not see anything on web driver support.

        I don't want to sound annoying but I would appreciate if you can tell Isomorphic future plans to offer the web driver support to their customers. This will help us in deciding our future course of actions.



          We plan to support it, however, even once supported it will not be the recommended testing approach for reasons explained in great depth here.

          Nevertheless, if you want it to happen faster or by a specific date, it would be a valid Feature Sponsorship.

