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    Grouping mode is not checked when doing custom handleGroupBy


    We have a use case where the grid generates N number of dynamic fields based on the data contained in another field. We have just about all of the issues resolved with this design, however this particular one may or may not be an issue.

    A specific field can be grouped two ways, the first groups the field as it would normally, the second changes the grooup fields to the derived fields mentioned above. For the sake of brevity I simplified this scenario below.

    REPRO steps:
    1. Load the test case
    2. Group Project field by "ONE"
    3. Observe that ONE is checked and the grid is grouped
    4. Group the grid by Project "TWO"
    5. Observe that the grid groups by Path (this simulates our derived fields)
    6. Observe, however, that Project "ONE" is still checked
    7. Ungroup the grid
    8. Observe Project "ONE" is still checked
    9. Refresh page
    10. Group by Project "TWO"
    11. Observe that the grid groups
    12. Note that no grouping modes are checked under Project

    Again, this may or may not be an issue, but I would like to get the selected grouping mode to check the correct value. Seems like when I change the group fields and return false in handleGroupBy, the UI is not updated. However, if I return true, then my custom group override does not work.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to make this work?

    <!DOCTYPE html>
                .diagInfo {
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                    font-weight: bold;
                    padding: 5px;
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            <script type="text/javascript" >
                var isomorphicDir="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/";
                // set this to the correct JIRA ticket
                var JIRA_TICKET = "SNQA-1178";
                // test data
                var data = [
                { project: "123 Avenue", path:"Central",  owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9 },
                { project: "Long Project Name", path:"North", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 231, unsafe: 9    },
                { project: "6789 Avenue B", path:"East", owner: "University of MD", ins: 33, obs: 23, unsafe: 9    }
            var formatFnx = function(value, record, rowNum, colNum, grid) {
                    var str = record["path"] + " region"
                    record["test"] = str;
                    return str;
                ID: "ds",
                clientOnly: true
                // once page loads set some diagnostic information, DO NOT CHANGE
                isc.Page.setEvent("load", function() {
                    document.title = JIRA_TICKET + "   (SmartClient version " + isc.versionNumber + ")";
                    var html = [];
                    html.push("Jira: " + JIRA_TICKET);
                    html.push("SmartClient: " + isc.versionNumber);
                    html.push("Browser: " + navigator.appCodeName + " " + navigator.appName + " " + navigator.appVersion);
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                            ID: "diagInfo",
                            width: "100%",
                            styleName: "diagInfo",
                            autoFit: true
                // ===== DO NOT REMOVE =====
                // basic grid        
                var grid = isc.ListGrid.create({
                    dataSource: ds,
                    fields: [
                    {name:"project", title:"Project", type:"text", groupingModes: ["One", "Two"] }
                    ,{name:"path", title:"Path", type:"text"}
                    dataFetchMode : "local",
                    autoFetchData: true,
                    clientOnly: true,
                    position: "relative",
                    width : "100%",
                    align : "center",
                    autoFitData : "vertical",
                    autoFitMaxHeight : 400,
                    alternateRecordStyles : true,
                    canAddFormulaFields : true,
                    canAddSummaryFields : true,
                    canGroupBy : true,
                    canReorderFields : true,
                    showGroupSummary : true,
                    useAdvancedFieldPicker: true,
                    advancedFieldPickerThreshold: 5,
                    autoDraw: false,
                    badFormulaResultValue: "NA",
                    handleGroupBy: function(fields, specifiers) {
                        fieldName = fields[0];
                        var f = grid.getField(fieldName);
                                if (f != null) {
                                    groupingType = f.groupingMode;
                        if(groupingType == "Two") {
                            return true;
                var layout = isc.VLayout.create({
                    ID : "PSC_masterLayout_",
                    // TODO: Look into why we had to hard set.
                    width : 1047,
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                    defaultLayoutAlign : "center",
                    layoutAlign : "center",
                    align : "center",
                    position : "relative",
                    members: [
                            // ===== DO NOT REMOVE diagLabel
                            // ===== place anty components here

    This behavior is what we'd expect.

    If you don't cancel the user's action, your groupBy call is going to be overridden by the groupBy call that the framework does after calling handleGroupBy() to give you a chance to cancel. This approach would actually just be considered invalid.

    If you cancel the user's choice of groupingMode "Two" and actually group by another field, we're going to show the user that the grid is grouped by that field, because you cancelled the user's choice. There's really no other way the framework could do things, when you consider interfaces like the MultiGroupDialog, where we need to show the user the current groupings and allow modification.

    If you really want to offer a groupingMode that secretly is equivalent to just grouping by another field, you could allow the grouping to proceed normally (don't do anything in handleGroupBy) and then override getGroupValue() so that it just uses values from that other field.

