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    Scroll Bar in Menu present sometime & sometime not

    I want to click on some menu item which is far down, so i need a scroll bar to move down for clicking those menu items.
    But sometime we are able to visible scroll bar in a menu & sometime we are not ? Don't understand about this Different UI Functionality.
    And for Automation i need a scroll Bar in Menu and if sometime it is not present my test script fails to run.
    For Understanding this i am attaching two screen shot one containing Scroll Bar & another with no scroll bar in Menu,

    And also i want to know how we can use Context Click in Isomorphoic Webdriver? Because i am not able to find context click in isomorphic API.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	SmartClient MenuBar with No Scroll Bar Issue1.png
Views:	92
Size:	9.2 KB
ID:	235553 Click image for larger version

Name:	SmartClient MenuBar Contains Scroll Bar Issue2.png
Views:	82
Size:	7.0 KB
ID:	235554

    Please give me some specify solution for this problem so i can run my automation script properly.


    Attached Files

    A Menu will show a scrollbar if scrolling is necessary to access all the items, and will not show a scrollbar if it is not needed. So, having a scrollbar sometimes and sometimes not is expected and desired behavior. Your automation should not be written to assume the presence of a scrollbar, with Menus or any other component that only needs a scrollbar sometimes.

    We've added a new API, SmartClientWebDriver.contextClick(), to SC 10.0p and newer that should do what you need. It will be in the nightly builds dated 2016-03-07 and newer.


      I understand that but the reason for posting this question is because both the menu are same length and when we right click on the menu button then we are able to see the scroll bar and when we left click on button we are not and we dont have API for context click as well before.
      But as you suggest, that you guys added a new API for context click that might solve my problem. So let me work for updating that. Update you on this issue once its done.


        If you end up needing to revisit this, we will need a way to reproduce the problem of a Menu which has no scrollbar, and is expected to have one.

        In general, we will always need a way to reproduce whatever problem you're having. Screenshots do not provide a way to reproduce a problem, and are only useful if you are describing a visual issue rather than a functional issue (and even then, we still need a way to reproduce the problem; the screenshot is just a further clarification).


          OK first of all set a window size to Full Screen and now open menu and note last item present in Menu.
          Now set window size small (Half of the Full Screen Size) and then try to open Menu by just by single click (Not Right Click) and now try to select same last item of Menu.
          You are not able to click(select) as that item is not visible because we are not able to scroll down due to missing scroll bar in Menu.
          And this issue i tried to explain with Images which is attached here.


            Hi Isomorphic,

            for me, the ListGrid Header context menu never shows a scrollbar. See this screenshot of this online sample in a non maximized browser window (v11.0p_2016-04-06, GC49 + FF26).
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot.png
Views:	94
Size:	52.6 KB
ID:	236594

            Best regards


              Ah, now I get pkothari's report.

              My screenshot is when you left-click the arrow-indicator that shows at every field-header.
              When you right-click anywhere in the header, the scrollbar is present.
              After right-clicking once, also menus opened via arrow-indicator have a scrollbar if needed.

              Best regards,


                We see the issue. Note that it is corrected if you ever show the menu via right-click - then showing it again via left-click uses scrolling as necessary.

                This is a non-issue for test automation since you should already be running your screen maximized (we list this as a best practice) and because it's easier to show this menu by right-click anyway.

                It's mostly a non-issue for end users since no one realistically runs a browser that tiny and even if they did, it's obvious what to do to get access to the remaining menu items.

                So we'll queue this up for an eventual fix but it'll be a while.


                  Ya its ok, But its my suggestion that please try this in a small screen size laptop and when i am trying to scroll down in List Grid Header Menu , i am not able to scroll down no matter screen size is maximzed or not and due to this my script fails .


                    Again, that's why it is a best practice to maximize the screen for automated test. This is already covered in the docs.


                      Ya i read that and i am using maximize screen option with my code but i tried running my script in small screen size laptop also due to testing purpose and it fails, i am not stuck due to this but its just the we have some restriction in this and i hope that this restriction is going to remove in future.

                      Any ways thanks a lot for your support.

