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    ListGrid - Incorrect Selection

    We're seeing an issue with ListGrid's and scrolling, in both the 2/19 build of SmartClient 10.1 Enterprise.
    I also tried upgrading to the 3/3 builds, and it did not correct the behavior.

    We're seeing this behavior in both Chrome and Firefox.

    We select an item in the list, say the first item.
    Scroll down (and this is key, the ListGrid needs to scroll), and click on another item.

    The selection does not go to the item that was clicked as expected, but but instead jumps to a seemingly random item higher up in the list, but below the item that was initially selected.

    This appears to be happening in most, if not all, of our ListGrid's, including ListGrid's inside of ComboBoxItems.

    I'm still working on trying to figure out if I can replicate it outside of our application - if there's a particular setting or overridden method that I can implicate in the problem.

    I was able to identify one place were I was able to replicate this consistently, and a single attribute that appears to cause the problem. It's not a ListGrid though.

    We have a SectionStack, that includes a FIlterBuilder. If we try and change the editorType to ComboBoxItem, the selection jumps around on us.

    positionFilterBuilderDefaults: {
       _constructor: "FilterBuilder",
       datasource: "PositionDS",
       disabled: false,
       fieldPickerProperties: {
          // uncommenting this line, causes the selection to jump around.
          // editorType: "ComboBoxItem",
          addUnknownValues: false,
          allowEmptyValue: true,
          pickListMaxWidth: 480
       fieldPickerWidth: 240,
       valueItemWidth: 240
    Last edited by mandrachek; 4 Mar 2016, 12:57.


      This kind of thing can happen if you have content inside the rows that is forcing them to be taller than the configured cellHeight, and you have left fixedRecordHeights as true (default) telling the framework that you intend the rows to be clipped, but have not set enforceVClipping (a separate property that also needs to be set to actually enforce clipping in some edge cases on some browsers - unfortunately browser bugs make this extra property necessary).


        I'm afraid that setting enforceVClipping on the fieldPickerProperties doesn't have any impact. It still jumps around.
        I tried setting pickListMaxWidth and fieldPickerWidth to 1024, well in excess of the length of anything in the list. It still doesn't respond to clicks properly.
        I tried fixedRecordHeights: false - that had no impact.

        Any time the editorType is set to ComboBoxItem, it just doesn't work properly. The only contents are text. We open the list, as long as we pick something visible without scrolling, it's fine. First item clicked is fine. As soon as we scroll for that second click however, and click on something further up OR down in the list, a seemingly random item is selected and the combobox picklist closes.

        This is quite problematic because we have a rather large list of options, and the default editor type doesn't allow filtering.
        Last edited by mandrachek; 25 Mar 2016, 09:44.


          It looks like setting allowEmptyValue: false actually fixes this issue. I noticed with it enabled, there was an empty entry at the top of the picklist with the default editor type. Turning it off appears to let the ComboBoxItem track selections properly.
          Apparently I spoke too soon. It doesn't fix it at all :(
          Last edited by mandrachek; 25 Mar 2016, 09:34.


            That's fine, it would have been so strange for allowEmptyValue to fix this that we are somewhat relieved that it didn't.

            We don't have a way to reproduce this, so:
            - what's displayed in this list? Is there any kind of formatting including multiple lines, lathers or smaller fonts, superscripts or subscripts, icons, anything that could increase vertical height?
            - do you have any non-default CSS styling anywhere in the app? Try removing it

