Tested in SmartClient_v101p_2016-03-16_PowerEdition, Chrome 45
We utilize the PDF export functionality in the grid. Users have been noticing that large grids cannot be exported to PDF. Below is the test case. However, this functionality works in IE 11.
Since it seems like the generated HTML is too large, I compared browsers and SMartCLient versions:
SmartClient 10.1 - IE11: 49,721
SMartClient 10.1 - Chrome: 104,921
SmartClient 10.1 - Firefox: 57,586
Is there any reason why Chrome is more than twice as large as IE11? What can we do to resolve this issue? (It may be server related, but in any case what would some workarounds be?)
1. Load the test case in Chrome. The attached data file must be renamed to .json.
2. Click the export button
3. Observe the console error (attached).
4. Observe the server log:
We utilize the PDF export functionality in the grid. Users have been noticing that large grids cannot be exported to PDF. Below is the test case. However, this functionality works in IE 11.
Since it seems like the generated HTML is too large, I compared browsers and SMartCLient versions:
SmartClient 10.1 - IE11: 49,721
SMartClient 10.1 - Chrome: 104,921
SmartClient 10.1 - Firefox: 57,586
Is there any reason why Chrome is more than twice as large as IE11? What can we do to resolve this issue? (It may be server related, but in any case what would some workarounds be?)
1. Load the test case in Chrome. The attached data file must be renamed to .json.
2. Click the export button
3. Observe the console error (attached).
4. Observe the server log:
=== 2016-03-17 18:27:03,356 [80-4] INFO PdfExport - CharSet used: UTF-8
=== 2016-03-17 18:27:04,772 [80-2] INFO RequestContext - URL: '/isomorphic/skins/EnterpriseBlue/images/ListGrid/group_opened.png', User-Agent: 'Java/1.7.0_25': Unsupported WITHOUT Accept-En
coding header
=== 2016-03-17 18:27:04,784 [80-2] INFO Download - done streaming: C:/development/SmartClient/releases/SmartClient_v101p_2016-03-16_PowerEdition/smartclientSDK/isomorphic/skins/EnterpriseBl
=== 2016-03-17 18:27:04,949 [80-4] INFO ProxyHttpServletResponse - content-disposition set to: attachment;filename=export.pdf - unwrapping response output stream (CompressionFilter)
=== 2016-03-17 18:27:05,227 [80-4] DEBUG RPCDMI - rpc returned data
=== 2016-03-17 18:28:06,458 [80-4] INFO RequestContext - URL: '/isomorphic/IDACall', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564
.116 Safari/537.36': Safari with Accept-Encoding header
=== 2016-03-17 18:28:06,459 [80-4] WARN RPCManager - Unexpected empty RPCManager transaction: POST'd data appears to have been removed from the request before the server framework received
it. This may be due to application / server settings restricting maximum POST / file upload size, or due to security software on your server, browser or network that erroneously blocked the
request, or due to bugs in servlet filters.
=== 2016-03-17 18:28:06,459 [80-4] INFO Compression - /isomorphic/IDACall: 93 -> 101 bytes
=== 2016-03-17 18:27:04,772 [80-2] INFO RequestContext - URL: '/isomorphic/skins/EnterpriseBlue/images/ListGrid/group_opened.png', User-Agent: 'Java/1.7.0_25': Unsupported WITHOUT Accept-En
coding header
=== 2016-03-17 18:27:04,784 [80-2] INFO Download - done streaming: C:/development/SmartClient/releases/SmartClient_v101p_2016-03-16_PowerEdition/smartclientSDK/isomorphic/skins/EnterpriseBl
=== 2016-03-17 18:27:04,949 [80-4] INFO ProxyHttpServletResponse - content-disposition set to: attachment;filename=export.pdf - unwrapping response output stream (CompressionFilter)
=== 2016-03-17 18:27:05,227 [80-4] DEBUG RPCDMI - rpc returned data
=== 2016-03-17 18:28:06,458 [80-4] INFO RequestContext - URL: '/isomorphic/IDACall', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564
.116 Safari/537.36': Safari with Accept-Encoding header
=== 2016-03-17 18:28:06,459 [80-4] WARN RPCManager - Unexpected empty RPCManager transaction: POST'd data appears to have been removed from the request before the server framework received
it. This may be due to application / server settings restricting maximum POST / file upload size, or due to security software on your server, browser or network that erroneously blocked the
request, or due to bugs in servlet filters.
=== 2016-03-17 18:28:06,459 [80-4] INFO Compression - /isomorphic/IDACall: 93 -> 101 bytes
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <style> .diagInfo { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Drawing.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_PluginBridges.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Charts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/skins/EnterpriseBlue/load_skin.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" > var isomorphicDir="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/"; // set this to the correct JIRA ticket var JIRA_TICKET = "SNTQ-1219"; isc.DataSource.create({ ID: "countryDS", dataURL: "SNQA-1219.json", fields:[ {name:"continent", title:"Continent"}, {name:"countryCode", title:"Code"}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country"}, {name:"capital", title:"Capital"}, {name:"area", title:"Area"}, {name:"population", title:"Population"}, {name:"gdp", title:"Gdp"}, {name:"government", title:"Government"}, {name:"member_g8", title:"Member of G8"}, {name:"article", title:"Article"} ], dataFormat: "json", clientOnly: true }) // once page loads set some diagnostic information, DO NOT CHANGE isc.Page.setEvent("load", function() { document.title = JIRA_TICKET + " (SmartClient version " + isc.versionNumber + ")"; var html = []; html.push("Jira: " + JIRA_TICKET); html.push("SmartClient: " + isc.versionNumber); html.push("Browser: " + navigator.appCodeName + " " + navigator.appName + " " + navigator.appVersion); diagLabel.setContents( html.join("<br>")); }); </script> </head> <body> <script> // ===== DO NOT REMOVE ===== var diagLabel = isc.Label.create({ ID: "diagInfo", width: "100%", styleName: "diagInfo", autoFit: true }); // ===== DO NOT REMOVE ===== // basic grid var grid = isc.ListGrid.create({ dataSource: countryDS, dataFetchMode : "local", autoFetchData:true, position: "relative", width : "100%", align : "center", autoFitData : "vertical", autoFitMaxHeight : 400, alternateRecordStyles : true, canAddFormulaFields : true, canAddSummaryFields : true, canGroupBy : true, canReorderFields : true, showGroupSummary : true, groupByMaxRecords : 1000, useAdvancedFieldPicker: true, advancedFieldPickerThreshold: 5, autoDraw: false }); // the main page layout - place all other components afetr diagLabel var layout = isc.VLayout.create({ width:"100%", membersMargin: 20, members: [ // ===== DO NOT REMOVE diagLabel diagLabel, grid, isc.IButton.create({ ID : "buttonPdf", width: 150, title:"Export", click:function () { isc.warn("Exporting " + countryDS.cacheData.length + " records"); grid.groupTree.openAll(); var settings = { skinName: "Enterprise", pdfName: "export"// without .pdf }; isc.RPCManager.exportContent(grid, settings); } }), isc.IButton.create({ ID : "buttonSize", width: 150, title:"Get Size", click:function () { var gridHTML = grid.getPrintHTML({ printForExport : true }); if (gridHTML == null) grid.getPrintHTML({ printForExport : true }, function(html) { console.log("Size=" + html.length); }); else console.log("Size=" + gridHTML.length); } }) // ===== place anty components here ] }); grid.groupBy("countryCode"); </script> </body> </html>