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    SmartClient Version: v9.1p_2014-11-16/LGPL Deployment (built 2014-11-16)


    i think there is a Bug in the RadioGroupItem. Try the following Code in the Feature Explorer:
    var myForm = isc.DynamicForm.create({
    fields: [{  
        name: 'myOptions',
        type: 'radioGroup'
        //,valueMap: {'option1' : 'optionOne', 'option2' : 'optionTwo'}    
    myForm.getField('myOptions').setValueMap({'option1' : 'optionOne', 'option2' : 'optionTwo'});
    var radioGroupItem = myForm.getField('myOptions');
    radioGroupItem.setValueDisabled('option2', true);
    This will result in an error. If you try to define the valueMap direkly in the field definition, it works. Adding the ValueMap afterwards results in a error.
    I think the Problem is this Line inside of the ISC_Forms.js :

        @attr radioGroupItem.disabledValues (Array of String : null : I)
        // This property allows you to specify an initial set of disabled options within
        // this radioGroup. Once the RadioGroupItem has been created +link{setValueDisabled()}
        // should be used to enable and disable options.
        // @visibility external
        //> @method radioGroupItem.setValueDisabled()
        // Disable or Enable a specific option within this radioGroup
        // [USER="45788"]param[/USER] value (any) value of option to disable
        // [USER="45788"]param[/USER] disabled (boolean) true to disable the option, false to enable it
        // @visibility external
        setValueDisabled : function (value, disabled) {
            if (this._disabledValues != null && this._disabledValues[value] == disabled) return;
            var item = this.itemForValue(value);
            if (item && this.items.contains(item)) {
                // call 'setDisabled' on the item directly.
                // This is overridden to update our "disabled values" object
            // Support changing the disabled status for a value even if it
            // doesn't have an associated item. This actually means you can disable a value
            // that isn't necessarily in the valueMap - and if the valueMap is updated to
            // include it the item in question will show up disabled.
            } else {
                this._disabledValues[value] = disabled; //bug! fix -> this._itemDisabled(value, disabled);
    I think the Bugfix in the comment should do it. Its just not null safe right now. Is ist possible that you fix it in a nightly build of the Version 9.1? Jumping to a higher Version would be a disaster...

    Your fix is correct and it will be available in tomorrow's nightly builds of all affected versions.


    Isomorphic Software


      Great! Thx!

