Here is a small UI issue that we have encountered with the field picker. THe use case may be very seldom, however I thought I would report it as an issue anyway since it was working in previous releases.
Last release that test passed: SmartClient_v101p_2016-03-11_PowerEdition
Current release tested (regression found):SmartClient_v101p_2016-03-24_PowerEdition
REPRO Steps:
- Load the test case
- Open the field picker
- Move all fields from Visible to Available (except Continent)
- Attempt to move any field back to visible
- Observe that no fields can be moved
*** This does not occur with a grid not containing a static field (no drag, no menu, etc).
Also note, in bot releases, that you can hide all columns making it not possible to bring any columns back:
- Load the test case
- Open the field picker
- Move all fields from Visible to Available (except Continent)
- Click Apply
- Observe that all fields are hidden except Continent
- Observe that there is no way to open field picker again (as only field is what we call static - no menu, no drag, etc.)
Last release that test passed: SmartClient_v101p_2016-03-11_PowerEdition
Current release tested (regression found):SmartClient_v101p_2016-03-24_PowerEdition
REPRO Steps:
- Load the test case
- Open the field picker
- Move all fields from Visible to Available (except Continent)
- Attempt to move any field back to visible
- Observe that no fields can be moved
*** This does not occur with a grid not containing a static field (no drag, no menu, etc).
Also note, in bot releases, that you can hide all columns making it not possible to bring any columns back:
- Load the test case
- Open the field picker
- Move all fields from Visible to Available (except Continent)
- Click Apply
- Observe that all fields are hidden except Continent
- Observe that there is no way to open field picker again (as only field is what we call static - no menu, no drag, etc.)
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