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    question about resizeFonts/Controls

    Hello, quoting from your blog
    in 11|6, we are providing the ability for you to easily adjust font and UI control sizes (up or down) across all or just a parts of your applications
    actually in the docs I've found only the static methods isc.Canvas.resizeFonts/Controls, which work for the entire application.
    Is it really possible to change only a part of the application (ie some specific Canvas)?

    ps: I'm asking here because on the blog comments are off.

    The phrase "just a part" of your application was meant to refer to the fact that you can have certain entry points to your application that have larger fonts. However if you do this and then want to proceed to pages with smaller fonts, you will need to reload the page.

    Resizing individual controls continues to be possible via the same APIs that have always made that possible - settings like Button.height and Button.baseStyle for example.


      Thanks for the clarification. By 'specific canvas' I was meaning to resize a Canvas/Layout and its children/members.

      Actually I didn't thought of the opportunity to have entry points with different font/controls size, thanks for the suggestion.

