Does SmartClient have any support for input changes in a TextItem from browser auto-fill? As stated in the documentation, itemChanged is only triggered from user interactions. Would there be another method to detect input changes regardless of user interaction? We are currently using SmartClient 9.1.
No announcement yet.
Version 43.0.2357.125 unknown (64-bit)
SmartClient Version: v9.1p_2015-09-16/Pro Development Only (built 2015-09-16)
I cannot find any example on SmartClient feature explorer that would allow the browser to store form information.
We are not using the latest patched 9.1 as you suggest but would there have been some framework changes between our version and the latest regarding this situation?
Steps to reproduce:
1) Load web page that prompts for login with SmartClient's DynamicForm with username field, password field, and submit button
- The username field and password field are empty. Therefore, the submit button is disabled. It is also initially disabled.
2) Fill username field
- The submit button is disabled
3) Fill password field
- The submit button is enabled
4) Press the submit button to submit the form
- Browser prompts to save username/password set for this form
5) Allow browser to save username/password for this form
- Depending on context of webpage, it may take you to another page... (e.g., a dashboard page once logged in)
6) Logout of page to return to login page (like in Step 1)
- Log in form is shown with username and password fields filled in by browser
- The submit button is disabled
Expected result: the submit button should be enabled since username and password fields are filled. The DynamicForm's itemChanged function is not fired from browser auto-fill when the page has finished loading.Last edited by shresthg_des; 8 Apr 2016, 14:18.
Right, lots of problems here..
You still haven't tested with the latest, and, again, there's no point following up again until you have.
This is not a test case and we won't be looking into this until we have something we can run (and, again, that has been tested against the latest).
Finally, it's a best practice not to use SmartClient to build your login page (see QuickStart Guide).