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    Want no caching for a databound picklist (get refreshed on value change).

    I have a databound picklist for a ComboBoxItem and I want that it should always fetch data from the server whenever user changes value in the the combobox iow it should not cache any data.

    I tried setting cachePickListResults:false on the ComboBoxItem but it's not helping.

    Actually my server always returns the first 100 matches (no pagination info in the response) when a fetch happens. But as picklist data is being cached, if user changes the value, it does not show the matching records for the new value as it is not fetching the data from the server.

    i will appreciate your help.

    The best solution is to return range information (even if approximate - see progressive loading discussion in ResultSet docs) which will allow caching to be left enabled, improving performance.


      I believe by range information you mean startRow, endRow and totalRows in the response. I know it works. But for some reasons, I can't change the code on the server to support pagination for now. Is there anything I can do on the client side to avoid caching or force a fetch on change of value of ComboBoxItem?


        If the server really cannot be changed, you can use pickListProperties -> dataProperties -> useClientFiltering:false to disable client-side filtering behavior on the underlying ResultSet.


          That works! Thank you.

