I am trying to use a SelectItem as editor in a grid with separateSpecialValues set and it produces an exception.
SmartClient version: v10.1p_2016-05-14/PowerEdition Deployment
Browser: Chrome 50.0.2661.102 m
Test case:
Strack trace:
To reproduce the problem: double-click on record to edit but it doesn't start editing but throws the exception instead. Removing the - separateSpecialValues: true - line eliminates the problem.
I am trying to use a SelectItem as editor in a grid with separateSpecialValues set and it produces an exception.
SmartClient version: v10.1p_2016-05-14/PowerEdition Deployment
Browser: Chrome 50.0.2661.102 m
Test case:
var dsList = DataSource.create({ fields: [{name: 'id'},{name: 'folderId'}], cacheData:[ {id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3} ], clientOnly:true}); var dsFolder = DataSource.create({ fields: [{name: 'id'},{name: 'name'}], cacheData:[ {id: 1, name: "Folder 1"}, {id: 2, name: "Folder 2"}, {id: 3, name: "Folder 3"} ], clientOnly:true}); ListGrid.create({ dataSource:dsList, autoFetchData:true, canEdit:true, fields:[ {name:'id'}, {name:'folderId', editorProperties: { editorType: 'SelectItem', optionDataSource: dsFolder, valueField: 'id', displayField: 'name', pickListProperties: { showFilterEditor: true }, pickListFields: [ {name: 'name'} ], specialValues: {"**emptyValue**": "None", "-1": "Not Applicable"}, separateSpecialValues: true } } ] });
Stack from error.stack: setSeparateSpecialValues(<no args: exited>) on [SelectItem ID:isc_SelectItem_0 name:folderId] @ ISC_Forms.js:43440:32 setProperties(<no args: exited>) on [SelectItem ID:isc_SelectItem_0 name:folderId] @ ISC_Core.js:8083:29 makeEditForm(<no args: exited>) on[ListGrid ID:isc_ListGrid_0] @ ISC_Grids.js:48623:26 showInlineEditor(<no args: exited>) on[ListGrid ID:isc_ListGrid_0] @ ISC_Grids.js:47976:32 _startEditing(<no args: exited>) on[ListGrid ID:isc_ListGrid_0] @ ISC_Grids.js:47771:10 fireCallback(callback=>Obj, argNames=>null, args=>null, target=>null, catchErrors=>true) on [Class Timer] @ ISC_Core.js:6812:36 _fireTimeout(ID=>"_timeout20", tmrID=>21, delayedTmrID=>undef) on [Class Timer] @ ISC_Core.js:33358:10 <anonymous>() @ ISC_Core.js:33280:19
To reproduce the problem: double-click on record to edit but it doesn't start editing but throws the exception instead. Removing the - separateSpecialValues: true - line eliminates the problem.